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HR to Okta Profile Map

You can define HR attributes to Okta Profile mapping in this step. Simply type static value or drag and drop HR attributes and map them to each attribute.

Data Mapping and Transformation

Data mapping and transformation are at the heart of the workflow design. Data transformation allows you to map, transform, and manipulate data elements from the incoming HR data to the outgoing Okta system that makes an API call or performs an operation.

As you see in the picture below, there are two sections highlighted in red and green:

  • The area highlighted in red is the "Trigger data" available for you to drag and drop to your Conditionals. These are the HR attributes you defined in the "HR Data Definition" step.

  • The area highlighted in green has the Okta attribute fields to which data needs to be mapped. It also has the data "Mapping and Transformation" capabilities to manipulate trigger data as well as your own input data to generate the final value for the corresponding Okta attributes.

  • Hire2Retire, being targeted at business users or citizen integrators, provides hundreds of "Excel Style Functions" for data mapping and transformations on the toolbar starting with "fx".

Hire2Retire Data Mapping and Transformation

Figure 1. Data mapping and transformation with Excel Style functions
  • Select the checkbox 'Check this box to link an ATS to Okta workflow for integrated onboarding', If you want to integrate your ATS flow with HCM flow using Hire2Retire. Then choose the same extension attribute as chosen in the ATS flow and map the personal email.

Hire2Retire Data Mapping and Transformation

Figure 2. ATS to Okta mapping Check box

Note - Hire2Retire auto-generates usernames using username prefix and username suffix.

Mandatory Okta Attributes

Below is the list of the required attributes at the time of creating the entry in Okta Directory:

# AttributeName Description
1 Employee Number (employeeNumber) The organization or company assigned unique identifier for the user.
2 Username prefix (login_prefix) The part before @ in Username is username prefix.
3 Username suffix (login_suffix) The part after @ in Username is username suffix.
4 First name (firstName) Given name of the user (givenName).
5 Last name (lastName) The family name of the user (familyName).

Other Okta Attributes

# Attribute Name Description
1 City (city) The city or locality of the user's address (locality).
2 Cost center (costCenter) Name of the cost center assigned to a user.
3 Country code (countryCode) The country name component of the user's address (country).
4 Department (department) Name of the user's department.
5 Display name (displayName) Name of the user suitable for display to end users.
6 Division (division) Name of the user's division.
7 Honorific prefix (honorificPrefix) Honorific prefix(es) of the user, or title in most Western languages.
8 Honorific suffix (honorificSuffix) Honorific suffix(es) of the user.
9 Locale (locale) The user's default location for purposes of localizing items such as currency, date time format, numerical representations, and so on.A locale value is a concatenation of the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code, an underscore, and the ISO 3166-1 two-letter country code. For example, en_US specifies the language English and country US. This value is en_US by default.
10 ManagerId (managerId) The id of the user's manager.
11 Manager (manager) The displayName of the user's manager.
12 Middle name (middleName) The middle name of the user.
13 Mobile phone (mobilePhone) The mobile phone number of the user.
14 Nickname (nickName) The casual way to address the user in real life.
15 Organization (organization) Name of the the user's organization.
16 Postal Address (postalAddress) Mailing address component of the user's address.
17 Preferred language (preferredLanguage) The user's preferred written or spoken language.
18 Primary email (email) The primary email address of the user.
19 Primary phone (primaryPhone) The primary phone number of the user such as a home number.
20 Profile Url (profileUrl) The URL of the user's online profile. For example, a web page.
21 Secondary email (secondEmail) The secondary email address of the user typically used for account recovery.
22 State (state) The state or region component of the user's address (region).
23 Street address (streetAddress) The full street address component of the user's address.
24 Time zone (timezone) The user's time zone.
25 Title (title) The user's title, such as Vice President.
26 User type (userType) The property used to describe the organization-to-user relationship, such as employee or contractor.
27 Zip code (zipCode) The ZIP code or postal code component of the user's address (postalCode).

Hire2Retire also supports the custom attributes of an employee. Users can use those attributes by searching them from the dropdown.

Choose an Extension Attribute to Track Lifecycle State Changes

By selecting an extension attribute, Hire2Retire will store and track the account status within the chosen attribute. This enables the tracking of lifecycle events performed by Hire2Retire while also accommodating manual updates made by the system administrator.

Hire2Retire Extension Attribute for Okta

Figure 3. Choosing Extension attribute to track lifecycle state changes

Choose the Preferred or First Name in the Username and Primary Email Prefix

You have two options for setting the username and primary email prefix to use either the preferred name or the first name:

  1. If preferred name exists, then use preferred name. If not, use first name - If the preferred name is mapped, it will be used for the username and primary email prefix. If the preferred name is not mapped, then the first name will be used instead.

  2. Always use first name - The first name will consistently be used for the username and primary email prefix.

After selecting an option, you can choose the specific format for the Username and primary email prefix from the dropdown below.

Hire2Retire UPN Prefix

Figure 4. Choosing username and primary email prefix

Support for Different Username and Primary Email Prefixes/Suffixes

You can configure different formats for Username and primary email to align with your organization's naming conventions.

Primary Email Prefix Setup: You can select the preferred primary email prefix format from the available dropdown options.

Hire2Retire Primary Email Prefix

Figure 5. Choosing primary email prefix

Primary Email Suffix Setup: To specify a different suffix for primary email, enter the desired primary email suffix in the provided textbox.

Hire2Retire Primary Email Suffix

Figure 6. Choosing primary email suffix

Resolve Duplicates by Appending Numerals

When duplicate Usernames or primary emails are detected, selecting this option allows Hire2Retire to append numerals (e.g., 1, 2, 3, or 01, 02, 03) to these fields ensuring unique values for each user. If the "Not Apply" option is selected, any duplicate entries will result in an error message indicating duplicate values exists.

Hire2Retire Resolve Duplicates

Figure 7. Resolving Duplicates by appending numerals

Configure Primary Email and Username Case Settings

This option controls whether primary emails and usernames are generated in lowercase or retain the original case from HR data. When checked, primary email and username will be created in all lowercase by default. Unchecking this option will maintain the original capitalization as provided in the HR attributes.

Hire2Retire Email and UPN Case

Figure 8. Selecting the case for Username and Primary Email

Clear the field value for the selected attribute(s).

You can clear the values of attribute(s) from the Okta by selecting them in the multi-select as shown below. If you provide empty values for selected attributes in the mapped data, those attributes will be cleared. The values of unselected attribute(s) will be preserved as it is.

Hire2Retire Clear Attributes

Figure 3. Selecting attributes to be cleared from Okta