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Paycor is a provider of Human Resources software and services. Its HR (Human Resources) system has been crafted to streamline HR processes and offer a centralized platform for the management of employee data and HR functions. It includes features such as an employee self-service portal, performance management, time tracking, among others.

Getting Your HR Data

Hire2Retire will utilize OAuth 2.0 authentication for establishing the connection. You must have a Paycor account for authentication. To setup Paycor as an HR system on Hire2Retire, you have to:

Set up a Paycor Applicaion

  1. Log into the Paycor Development Portal.  

  2. Go to the Applications tab and click on + Application button and type your application name.

    Add Application in Application Tab

    Figure 1 Add Application in Application Tab

  3. You will get the Client ID, Client Secret. These details will be required while creating a connection on Hire2Retire. Once you acknowledge the client ID and Secret, you will be redirected to your newly created application page.

    Client ID, Client Secret pop up

    Figure 2 Client ID, Client Secret pop up

  4. Navigate to the Security Connection tab, you can find the APIm Subscription Key there. The Subscription Key will be required while setting up connection on Hire2Retire. Add the following URL inside the Approved Return OAuth URL Textbox.

    Security Connections Tab of your created connection

    Figure 3 Security Connections Tab of your created connection

  5. Navigate to the Data Access tab and create a scope by giving the following permissions.

    • View Legal Entity Employee
      • View Legal Entity Employees Work Location
      • View Legal Entity Employees Position
      • View Legal Entity Employees Status
      • View Legal Entity Employees Manager & Position
      • View Legal Entity Employees Employment Dates
    • View Legal Entity Persons
      • View Person Phone
      • View Person Email
      • View Person Addresses
      • View Person Information
      • View Person Demographic Information
    • View Legal Entity Departments by Department Id
    • View Employee Information
      • View Employee Termination Reason
    • View Legal Entity Basic Information
      • View Legal Entity Business Names & Addresses
    • Update Employee Contact: To use paycor writeback feature.

    Data Access Tab

    Figure 4 Data Access Tab

    To know more about data access scopes, you can refer to Paycor Data Access Scopes.

  6. After creating the scope, navigate to the General tab and you can find the name of the scope you just created.

    General Tab of Paycor Application

    Figure 5 General Tab of Paycor Application

Create Paycor Connection on Hire2Retire

  • Connection Name - A user defined nomenclature for your connection. By default, the connect name is "Connection-OAuth-1", you can change the name as per your preferences.
  • Client ID - You will get your client ID after adding application in Paycor or you can find it on the Security Connection Tab.
  • Client Secret - You will get your client secret after adding application in Paycor or you can regenerate in Security Connection Tab.
  • Scope ID - You can find it on the General Tab once you create scopes on the Data Access Tab.
  • APIm Subscription Key - You can find your subscription key in Paycor Security Connection Tab.
  • Is this a sandbox account? - A sandbox account in Paycor refers to a test environment provided by Paycor for developers and users to experiment. A sandbox account has sandbox in the development portal URL.

    Paycor Connection Page in Hire2Retire

    Figure 6 Paycor Connection Page in Hire2Retire

Steps of creating Connection :

  1. Go to Connection Step on Hire2Retire and fill up the connection details for Paycor. Click the Link Account button.

    Paycor Connection Page in Hire2Retire

    Figure 6 Paycor Connection Page in Hire2Retire

  2. You will be redirected to review the access being requested, based on the application scope/version. (you will be prompted to login to Paycor if not already logged in) .

    Paycor App Activation

    Figure 7 Paycor App Activation

  3. Select the Paycor Legal Entity ID (Client ID that you have got in step 3 of setting up Application) that you want to integrate. This will give your application access to the client's data.

    Paycor Select Legal Entity ID

    Figure 8 Paycor Select Legal Entity ID

  4. You will be redirected to Hire2Retire connections page and your connection is successfully set up.

    Paycor Connection Successfull in Hire2Retire

    Figure 9 Paycor Connection Successfull in Hire2Retire

Note: While setting up connection on Hire2Retire if you see a "403" message. It indicates that the logged-in Paycor user doesn't have access to complete the Activation process. User requires "Company/HR/Payroll Administrator" role to complete this. Your Sandbox credentials already have this access, but Production will need to be done by an authorized user.