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Snowflake in Hire2Retire uses Bearer Token.

A Bearer Token is often used to authenticate applications or users accessing Snowflake resources via its REST API. The token is usually generated by Snowflake's Identity and Access Management (IAM) system and grants the holder permission to perform specific actions within the Snowflake environment.

Please refer to the document Bearer token for rest APIs to know more about Bearer Token in Snowflake.

We at RoboMQ pay utmost attention to keep your account secure. See our Security and Privacy Policies to learn more about how RoboMQ handles your account access.

Object Permission
User Can Provision and Deprovision Users

Generate SCIM Access Token in Snowflake

Visit Snowflake website, click on Admin, then click on Accounts and copy the Instance URL.

Snowflake Instance URL

Figure 1. Instance URL for Snowflake

Click on Worksheets, open a sql worksheet.

Snowflake Worksheets

Figure 2. Worksheets in Snowflake

Run the following sql queries for generating SCIM Access Token.

Action Query
Use ACCOUNTADMIN role use role accountadmin;
Create custom role MYCUSTOMROLE create role if not exists mycustomrole;
grant create user on account to role mycustomrole;
grant create role on account to role mycustomrole;
Create Security Integration grant role mycustomrole to role accountadmin;
create or replace security integration myintegration
type = scim
scim_client = 'azure'
run_as_role = 'MYCUSTOMROLE';
Create SCIM Access Token select system$generate_scim_access_token('MYINTEGRATION');

Snowflake SCIM Access Token

Figure 3. SCIM Access Token for Snowflake

Learn how to generate bearer token on Snowflake.

To link your Snowflake account using Bearer Token, you have to specify your Instance URL and SCIM Access Token.

Snowflake Bearer Token

Figure 4. Authentication Form for Snowflake Bearer Token in RoboMQ Hire2Retire