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Zendesk on Hire2Retire supports API Token and BasicAuth.

Please refer to the document API Token to know more about API Token in Zendesk.

Please refer to the document Basic Auth to know more about Basic Authentication in Zendesk.

We at RoboMQ pay utmost attention to keep your account secure. See our Security and Privacy Policies to learn more about how RoboMQ handles your account access.

Object Permission
User Can Provision and Deprovision Users

Learn here about the types of users in Zendesk.

Steps to generate API Token in Zendesk

  • Login to your Zendesk accoount, select View Profile from the top right corner.
  • In Roles, select Manage in Admin Centre.
  • Click Apps and integrations in the sidebar, then select APIs > Zendesk APIs.
  • Click the Settings tab, and enable the Token Access.

Zendesk API Token

Figure 1. Enable Token access
  • Click the Add API token button to the right of Active API Tokens. The token is generated and displayed.

  • Enter an API token description.

  • Copy the token and paste it somewhere secure. Once you close this window, the full token will never be displayed again.

Zendesk API Token

Figure 2. Token generation

Steps to enable Basic Auth in Zendesk

  • Login to your Zendesk account, select View Profile from the top right corner.
  • In Roles, select Manage in Admin Centre.
  • To use basic authentication password access must be enabled in the Admin Center interface at Apps and integrations > APIs > Zendesk API.

You can then easily link your account in Zendesk from RoboMQ Hire2Retire by entering your username and password for Zendesk application.

Zendesk Basic Auth

Figure 3. Enable Basic Auth

API Token

To link your Zendesk account using API Token, you have to specify your URL, Email Address and API Token.

  • Instance URL : On creating an account in Zendesk, you will receive a welcome email at your registered email id to verify your account containing the account/instance url.

Zendesk API Token

Figure 4. Authentication Form for Zendesk API Token on RoboMQ Hire2Retire

Basic Auth

To link your Zendesk account using Basic Auth, you have to specify your Instance URL, User Name and Password.

Zendesk API Token

Figure 5. Authentication Form for Zendesk Basic Auth on RoboMQ Hire2Retire