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Lucid on Hire2Retire supports Bearer Token and OAuth2.0

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Generate Bearer Token credentials in Lucid

For Access Token generation users must have a Lucid account. To authenticate a connection , you must use your Access Token and the Lucid base URL.

Steps for Generating Api Key(Access Token):

  1. Login to Lucid Enterprise account.
  2. Enable automatic team upgrades (Admin > Licensing, requires the role of Account Owner or Billing Admin) and SCIM for your account.
  3. Generate a SCIM bearer token (Admin > App Integration > SCIM). This token is used to authenticate your requests.

How to enable OAuth settings on Lucid

Lucid application on Hire2Retire uses OAuth authorization. By linking your Lucid account with Hire2Retire, you can authorize RoboMQ to have a delegated access on your behalf.

In Lucid OAuth settings, you need to register an application in the Developer Portal in order to authenticate against Lucid APIs, Click the "Create new App" button and select an application type. Fill out the general details and enter the redirect URI. to complete the setup.

Lucid OAuth

Figure 1. OAuth setup on Lucid

Lucid Bearer Token

To link your Lucid account using Bearer Token Authentication, you first have to specify your Instance URL and Access Token. Hire2Retire requires the following details to create a connection to your Lucid.

  • Connection Name - A user defined nomenclature for your connection. By default, the connect name is "Connection-Bearer Token-1", you can change the name as per your preferences.

  • Instance URL -The base URL for the SCIM 2.0 API will be in this form which is distinct from the URL used for signing in.

  • Access token - The Lucid Access Token assigned to the user that you noted in the Access token Provider Setup.

Lucid Basic Authentication

Figure 1. Authentication Form for Lucid Bearer Token Authentication on RoboMQ Hire2Retire

Lucid OAuth 2.0

To link your Lucid account using OAuth, you first have to specify your Instance URL, Client Id and Client Secret.

Lucid Auth Authentication

Figure 1. Authentication Form for Lucid Auth 2.0 Authentication on RoboMQ Hire2Retire