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Coupa on Hire2Retire uses OAuth2.0 authentication.

OAuth 2.0, which stands for “Open Authorization”, is a standard designed to allow a website or application to access their resources hosted by other web apps on behalf of a user. OAuth 2.0 uses Access Tokens. An Access Token is a piece of data that represents the authorization to access resources on behalf of the end-user.

Please refer to the link to set up OAuth client and scope assignment on Coupa.

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Object Permission
User Can Provision and Deprovision Users

How to enable OAuth settings on Coupa

  1. Navigate to Setup > Oauth2/OpenID Connect Clients (/oauth2/clients).
  2. Click Create and select Client Credentials in the Grant type dropdown.
  3. Complete the fields and select the scopes (access permissions) the Client needs. Note that if you want to give a Client access to all API endpoints and operations, you will need to add all scopes to that Client.

In Coupa OAuth settings, you need to add the following settings to enable OAuth connection:

Coupa OAuth Setting

Figure 1. OAuth setup for Coupa

Please refer to the link to set up OAuth client and scope assignment on Coupa.

Coupa Bearer Token

Figure 2. Connection setup for Coupa on RoboMQ Hire2Retire

To establish a conneciton to the Coupa on Hire2Retire Provisioning, you need to provide the following OAuth information:

  • Instance Url - In Coupa, the instance URL refers to the unique web address that leads to your organization's specific Coupa instance. It is the URL you use to access your Coupa account or procurement system where you can manager users. The instance URL typically takes the form of:

  • Client Id - The client ID is a unique identifier assigned to your application when you register it as a client with the Coupa platform.

  • Client Secret - The client secret is a confidential and unique identifier associated with your application when you register it as a client with the Coupa platform.

  • Scope - A scope is a permission or access level that a client application requests from Coupa to perform specific actions or access certain resources on behalf of the user. Copy and paste all the scopes that you selected in Client credentials setup without the comma. Please note that scopes values should be seperated by space.

Once the connection is established successfully, then only you can define the roles and mapping on Hire2Retire Provisioning.