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Azure AD

Azure AD is the newer version of identity and access management created by Microsoft. It is an on-cloud version of its peer on-premises Active Directory. Azure AD is great at managing user access to cloud applications.

Azure AD application on hire2retire uses OAuth authorization. By linking your Azure AD account with hire2retire, you can authorize RoboMQ to have a delegated access on your behalf. RoboMQ needs the following permissions on your account to provide a seamless integration experience:

Scopes Explanation
User.ReadWrite.All Read and write all user's full profiles
Group.ReadWrite.All Read and write all groups
Directory.AccessAsUser.All Application requires this scope to reset their password.
offline_access Maintain access to data you have given it access to. When a user approves the offline_access scope, your app can receive refresh tokens from the Microsoft identity platform token endpoint. Refresh tokens are long-lived. Your app can get new access tokens as older ones expire.

Create a Connection

You need to have an Azure AD account before using Azure AD application on hire2retire.

Azure AD Connection Name

Figure 1. Azure AD Connection

On clicking the 'Link Account' button, you will be redirected to Microsoft Account Authorization screen. and then enter the account details to use the Azure AD for this flow

Azure AD Sign In

Figure 2. Azure AD Sign In

By allowing access, you are authorizing RoboMQ to access your AzureAD account and make changes based on changes in HR data.