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Why iPaaS

iPaaS or Integration Platform as a Service is the new genre of the integration middleware that form the backbone or the plumbing required to create business workflows, connecting multiple applications.

Traditionally, in the pre-cloud era, this functionality was provided by applications built on top of Message Queues (MQ), Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), or home-grown data integration and data syncing applications. Back then, lines of code would have to be written to create an integration that can now be accomplished by today's iPaaS platforms like Connect iPaaS in a matter of minutes!

From Monoliths to SaaS and Cloud

Last decade saw a fast disintegration of the monolithic architecture and a move from the large ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems to specialized Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) applications. This move was accelerated exponentially by the growth and the adoption of cloud.

The move to the cloud and the adoption of SaaS created transformative opportunities for businesses, reducing the time to market, removing barriers to entry, and creating new revenue streams. It also offered agility, flexibility, and many other benefits that businesses always wanted such as:

  • Developing of businesses with the choice of best-of-breed specialized applications

  • Avoidance of vendor lock-in

  • Cost reduction with Pay-as-You-Go business model

  • Guaranteed QoS (Quality of Service) through robust cloud infrastructure

From Monoliths to SaaS and Cloud

Figure 1. Defragmentation of Monoliths to SaaS and Cloud

iPaaS comes to rescue connecting SaaS, On-premise, and Clouds

The benefits of the defragmentation of the enterprise application landscape came with an increased need and the complexity of data and API integration.

The erstwhile monolithic architecture did not require much integration middleware capabilities as most of the data was available and shared by different modules of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) platform. With the defragmentation, each of the ERP modules became a SaaS application in its own right. To accomplish business processes that cover multiple functions and departments, these SaaS applications need to exchange data and notify each other of the events or activities of interest.

iPaaS platforms like RoboMQ's Connect iPaaS with their cloud-native architecture fill this role of providing data and API integration among SaaS, on-premise, and IoT applications at a scale, speed, and complexity needed by today's business applications.