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Entra ID Connection

Entra ID is the newer version of identity and access management created by Microsoft. It is an on-cloud version of its peer on-premises Active Directory. Entra ID is great at managing user access to cloud applications.

The Hire2Retire platform provides two connection types for Entra ID applications:

  1. Service Provider Application - In this option, you'll be require to sign-up and delegating the accesses to the RoboMQ application on your behalf
  2. Customer Owned Application - This option is recommended if you prefer employing your dedicated service account for automation purposes.

Service Provider Application

Entra ID application on hire2retire uses OAuth authorization. By linking your Entra ID account with hire2retire, you can authorise the RoboMQ application to have delegated access on your behalf, for which you will be provided with a consent window whenever new resource access permission is required by hire2retire. RoboMQ needs the following permissions on your account to provide a seamless integration experience:

Scopes Explanation
User.ReadWrite.All Read and write all user's full profiles
Group.ReadWrite.All Read and write all groups
Directory.AccessAsUser.All Application requires this scope to reset their password.
offline_access Maintain access to data you have given it access to. When a user approves the offline_access scope, your app can receive refresh tokens from the Microsoft identity platform token endpoint. Refresh tokens are long-lived. Your app can get new access tokens as older ones expire.

Entra ID User roles

In Entra ID (Entra ID), if another administrator or non-administrator needs to manage Entra ID resources, you assign them an Entra ID role that provides the permissions they need. Required permission to perform all the lifecycle business rules in Entra ID application on hire2retire is User Administrator

Role Description
User Administrator Can manage all aspects of users and groups, including resetting passwords for limited admins.

How to Give User Administrator Role

Following are the steps to give User Administrator role:-

  1. Login in Entra ID portal, and open the user to which you want to assign User Administrator role. Click on the Assigned Roles option present on the left-hand side.

    Entra ID Portal

    Figure 1. Shows Assigned Role option on portal Entra ID portal

  2. Click on Add assignments options

    Entra ID Portal

    Figure 2. Shows Add Assignment option on portal Entra ID portal

  3. Select the user Administrator role from the list of roles present in select role option and click next.

    Entra ID Portal

    Figure 3. Shows Select Role option on portal Entra ID portal

  4. Make sure to select Active in the assignment type and check the Permanently assigned checkbox. Otherwise role can be only be assigned for a particular period of time. Click on Assign button.

    Entra ID Portal

    Figure 4. Shows assignment type option on portal Entra ID portal

  5. User Assignments role will be assigned. It might take some time, wait for few seconds and refresh the page again.

    Entra ID Portal

    Figure 5. Shows Assigned Role on portal Entra ID portal

Create a Connection

You need to have an Entra ID account before using Entra ID application on hire2retire.

Entra ID Connection Name

Figure 1. Service Provider Application Connection

On clicking the 'Link Account' button, you will be redirected to Microsoft Account Authorization screen. and then enter the account details to use the Entra ID for this flow

Entra ID Sign In

Figure 2. Entra ID Sign In

One also need admin consent. After entering acount details you will be redirected to microsoft admin approval pannel, enter justification for requesting and click on Request approval.

Entra ID Sign In

Figure 3. Entra ID Sign In

From the Entra ID Admin portal, click on Review permissions and consent option to approve the request

Entra ID Sign In

Figure 4. Entra ID Sign In

By allowing access, you are authorizing RoboMQ to access your Entra ID account and make changes based on changes in HR data.

Customer Owned Application

Hire2Retire does not require the user to sign-in for this connection. Instead, for automation purposes, it will use your application service principal as a service account. Choosing this connection requires you to manage your service account's Application Permission in your Entra ID instance.

Create a Connection

You need to have application registered on your tenant & provide necessary permission required by Hire2Retire. Hire2Retire requires the following details to create a connection.

  • Entra ID National cloud - Select the specific national or regional instance of a cloud service, such as Microsoft Entra ID National Cloud, tailored to meet local regulatory and compliance needs.
  • Client ID - Application ID
  • Tenant ID - Unique identifier of the Entra ID instance.

Navigate to the "Overview" blade within your registered application to locate both the Tenant ID and the Client/Application ID.

Customer Owned Application

Figure 3. Customer Owned Application connection
Entra ID National cloud Explanation
Microsoft Entra ID (global service) A cloud-based identity and access management (IAM) service for managing who can access what in Microsoft cloud services (Entra ID, Office 365, etc.). Global: Not specific to any region or government, providing unified management across various clouds.
Microsoft Graph for US Government L4 An API for accessing Microsoft 365 data in the Entra ID US Government cloud specifically for Impact Level 4 (L4) environments.
Microsoft Graph for US Government L5 (DOD) Similar to L4, but for Impact Level 5 (L5) environments in the US Government cloud.
Microsoft Entra China operated by 21Vianet A separate Entra ID environment and Microsoft Entra ID instance dedicated to China, operated by a local partner (21Vianet).

To cred the application in your instance, follow the instructions below.

Application Registrations

  • Sign in to the Entra ID portal
  • Browse to App registrations and select New registration.
  • Enter a display name for your application & leave Redirect URI (optional) field as blank.
  • Specify who can use the application, we recommend to use single tenant if you are creating service account for Hire2Retire.
  • Select Register to complete the initial app registration.

Register an application

Figure 4. Application Registration


Credentials enable your application to authenticate independently, elminating the need for user interaction during runtime. As a confidential client application, Hire2Retire will utilize these credentials to authenticate itself for automated tasks.

Follow the steps below to add credentials:

  • Download the certificate from the Hire2Retire connection UI.
  • In your registered application, select Certificates & secrets > Certificates > Upload certificate
  • upload the downloaded certificate.

Certificates are the preferred credential type due to their enhanced security compared to client secrets.

Upload Certificate

Figure 5. Upload Certificate

This registered application can now be used as a service account for automation. To configure your Entra ID connection, click Link Account.

Application Permission

Set up application permissions for any application that needs to authenticate itself without the user's help or consent. To authorize a registered application to access the Microsoft Graph API, navigate to API permissions > Add a permission > Microsoft APIs > Microsoft Graph > Application permissions.

RoboMQ needs the following permissions on your registered application to provide a seamless integration eperience:

Scopes Explanation
User.ReadWrite.All Allows the user to read and update the user profiles without a signed in user.
Group.ReadWrite.All Allows the app to create groups, read all group properties and memberships, update group properties and memberships, and delete groups. Also allows the app to read and write conversations. All of these operations can be performed by the app without a signed-in user.
Directory.ReadWrite.All Application requires this scope to reset their password.
User.EnableDisableAccount.All Grants the ability to enable or disable any user account within the Entra ID tenant.

After giving the User.EnableDisableAccount.All permission, you will be required to give your application a User Administrator role by navigating to Microsoft Entra ID > Roles and administrators and search for user administrator, then Add assignments and search for your application name.

Application permission

Figure 6. Entra ID roles and administrators

Application permission

Figure 7. Entra ID ADd assignments

If you want to use exchange online feature, you need to add below permission. Navigate to API permissions > Add a permission > APIs my organization uses and search for "office 365 exchange online" > Application permissions > Exchange

Scopes Explanation
Exchange.ManageAsApp Allows the app to manage the organization's Exchange environment without any user interaction. This includes mailboxes, groups, and other configuration objects. To enable management actions, an admin must assign the appropriate roles directly to the app.

After giving the Exchange.ManageAsApp permission, you will be required to give your application a Exchange Administrator role by navigating to Microsoft Entra ID > Roles and administrators and search for Exchange administrator, then Add assignments and search for your application name.

Application permission

Figure 8. Entra ID roles and administrators

Application permission

Figure 9. Entra ID ADd assignments

Grant admin consent to the permissions configured for the application.

Admin consent

Figure 10. Admin Consent

Entra ID with Exchange Online

Entra ID with Exchange Online application on hire2retire uses OAuth authorization for authenticating Entra ID and basic authorization for authenticating Exchange Online.

By linking your Entra ID and Exchange Online account with hire2retire, you can authorize RoboMQ to have a delegated access on your behalf to both applications.

Entra ID with Exchange Online Connection set up

Entra ID with SharePoint Online

Entra ID with SharePoint Online application on Hire2Retire uses OAuth authorization for authenticating Entra ID and certificate based authorization for authenticating SharePoint Online.

By linking your Entra ID and SharePoint Online account with Hire2Retire, you can authorize RoboMQ to have a delegated access on your behalf to both applications.

Entra ID with SharePoint Online Connection set up