Create a Recipe

Recipes on Connect iPaaS are mainly used for sharing integration workflows and recreating or reusing them for automating common business processes. When you want to share your integration workflow, you can simply save it as a Recipe and share it with your company or colleagues.

When you choose to save a workflow as a Recipe, you can choose to share it with the community, company, or, with specific users. There are two ways to save a workflow as a Recipe.

  1. Save and Share Recipe from Workflow Manage Page

    Recipe Main Page

    Figure 1. Save & Share Recipe on Dashboard

  2. Save and Share Recipe from Workflow Design Page

    Recipe Main Page

    Figure 2. Save & Share Recipe on Workflow Design Page

  3. Save and Share Recipe Form

    Recipe Main Page

    Figure 3. Save & Share Recipe Form

To learn more about how to save and share a recipe, check Collaboration and Sharing.