Community Recipes

Community Recipes are publicly available recipes on Connect IPaaS. You can create integration workflows by using any community recipes. You can also share your own integration workflow as a community recipe and allow others to use them with a few clicks. To learn how to share your workflow recipe with the Community, see Collaboration and Sharing

Community Recipes are verified at three levels:

  1. General Community Recipe: These are the recipes that are marked with a global icon.
  2. Verified Community Recipe: These are the recipes that have been verified by RoboMQ.
  3. Popular Community Recipe: These are the recipes that have been verified by RoboMQ and are highly popular among Connect iPaaS users.

Recipe Main Page

Figure 1. Community Recipes

Connect iPaaS groups community recipes into 6 business functions:

  1. HR
  2. Sales
  3. Marketing
  4. IT
  5. Support
  6. Operations & Finance

You can choose the business function and view the recipes that best fit your business needs.

Recipe Main Page

Figure 2. Community Recipes Business Functions