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Okta Directory Connection

Okta Directory is a newer version of identity and access management (IAM). Okta Directory is a cloud-based identity and access management platform that helps organizations securely manage user authentication and access to applications, devices, and data.

The Okta Directory application on Hire2Retire uses OAuth authorization. By linking your Okta Directory account with Hire2Retire, you can authorize the RoboMQ application to have delegated access on your behalf. RoboMQ needs the following permissions on your account to provide a seamless integration experience:

Scopes Explanation Allows the app to read information about Schemas in your Okta organization.
okta.groups.manage Allows the app to manage existing groups in your Okta organization.
okta.users.manage Allows the app to create new users and to manage all users' profile and credentials information.

Create a Connection

You need to have the application registered on your tenant & provide the necessary permission required by Hire2Retire. Hire2Retire requires the following details to create a connection.

  • Client ID - Application ID
  • Tenant URL - Unique identifier of the Okta instance.

Navigate to the "General" tab within your registered application to locate the Client/Application ID and use the top-right dropdown in the Okta Directory portal for the Tenant URL.

Connection Page

Figure 1. Okta Directory connection

To cred the application in your instance, follow the instructions below.

Application Registrations

  • Sign in to the Okta Directory portal.
  • Open the Admin Console, go to Applications, and click Create App Integration.
  • Select API Services as the Sign-in method and click Next.
  • Enter the App integration name and click Save.
  • In the General tab, edit the Client Credentials section to use Public key / Private key as Client Authentication.
  • Click Add Key, paste the public key copied from the Hire2Retire connection UI and click Save.
  • Confirm the dialog to disable existing client secrets by clicking Save again.

Register an application

Figure 2. Application Registration


Credentials enable your application to authenticate independently, eliminating the need for user interaction during runtime. As a confidential client application, Hire2Retire will utilize these credentials to authenticate itself for automated tasks.

Follow the steps below to add credentials:

  • Copy the public key from the Hire2Retire connection UI.
  • In your registered application, select General > Public Keys > Add
  • Paste the public key and click Save.

Public key/Private key are the preferred credential type due to their enhanced security compared to client secrets.

Upload Certificate

Figure 3. Public Key

This registered application can now be used as a service account for automation. To configure your Okta Directory connection, click Link Account.

Application Permission

Set up application permissions for any application that needs to authenticate itself without the user's help or consent. To authorize a registered application to access the Okta Directory API, navigate to Okta API Scopes. Here you can see all granted permissions to your application.

Application permission

Figure 4. Roles and Scopes

RoboMQ needs the following permissions on your registered application to provide a seamless integration experience:

Scopes Explanation Allows the app to read information about Schemas in your Okta organization.
okta.groups.manage Allows the app to manage existing groups in your Okta organization.
okta.users.manage Allows the app to create new users and to manage all users' profile and credentials information.

You need to make this app as an administrator. For that, you need to follow these steps:

  • In your registered application go to Admin roles and click on Edit assignments.
  • Select Role as Super Administrator and click on Save changes.

Application permission

Figure 5. Admin Roles