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Design Pane

Connect iPaaS is all about creating integration workflows. To help users create these integration workflows, it provides a Design Pane. This Design Panel consists of a palette of ecosystems from which you can choose to either trigger or finish your integration workflow. When you first see the design pane, you can click on any of the ecosystems as shown in Figure 1-A to jumpstart a new integration workflow.

Trigger Palette

Figure 1-A RoboMQ Connect iPaaS Trigger Palette

After you have configured a trigger in your workflow from the Design Pane, you can click on the same or a different ecosystem as shown in Figure 1-B to set up an action in the workflow.

Action Palette

Figure 1-B RoboMQ Connect's Action Palette

What would you like to build today?

Since there are too many ecosystems in the Design Pane, sometime you may not be able to find the ecosystem of your choice. If this is the case, you can simply start typing the name of the ecosystem into the search text box underneath the "What would you like to build?" and it will display your desired ecosystem, filtering out the unwanted ecosystems.

Filter Ecosystems

The images below show how you can filter an ecosystem using the search text box. This kind of filtering can be done for both triggers and actions as shown in Figures 2-A and 2-B.

Trigger Palette Filter

Figure 2-A RoboMQ Connect iPaaS Trigger Palette Filter

Action Palette Filter

Figure 2-B RoboMQ Connect iPaaS Action Palette Filter

Designing a Flow

To create an integration workflow in the design pane, you can start by selecting the ecosystem from the palette. You will then be prompted to choose a Flow Name and Description, as shown below in Figure 2-C.

Here, we just use a simple name but for your business workflows, it is best to have a meaningful name and description of the workflow. To learn more about creating a flow, see Start Creating the Workflow.

Flow Name and Description Palette Filter

Figure 2-C Flow Name and Description Palette Filter

Connect iPaaS allows users to create, save, and share prebuilt integrations as recipes. You can create your own integration workflows easily using these popular recipes just by clicking on them as shown in Figure 3-A.

Popular Recipes

Figure 3-A RoboMQ Connect iPaaS Popular Recipes