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Sign Up

Connect iPaaS provides two ways to sign up:

  1. Sign up using social logins
  2. Sign up by creating an account

On successful sign-up, you can access the free-trial account of Connect iPaaS. The free trial account allows you to create unlimited workflows but only run two workflows.

The free-trial account also gives access to all the available Application Connectors on Connect iPaaS. You can also sign up with one of our subscription plans for more options.

Sign Up Form

Figure 1. Sign Up on Connect iPaaS

Sign Up Using Social Logins

You can sign up through multiple social logins supported by Connect iPaaS. Just click on the desired social login button. Connect iPaaS provides a sign-up facility using below social logins.

  1. Microsoft Office 365
  2. Google Apps
  3. Azure AD Account

RoboMQ requires the following permissions for Microsoft Office 365 Sign Up/Log In:

Scopes Explanation
openid If an app performs sign-in by using OpenID Connect, it must request the openid scope.
profile It gives the app access to a substantial amount of information about the user.
offline_access This scope value requests that an OAuth 2.0 Refresh Token be issued that can be used to obtain an Access Token to grant access to the end-users' UserInfo Endpoint even when the end-user is not present.

RoboMQ requires the following permissions for Google Apps Sign Up/Log In:

Scopes Explanation
profile View your basic profile info
email View your email address

RoboMQ requires the following permissions for Azure AD Sign Up/Log In:

Scopes Explanation
profile It gives the app access to a substantial amount of information about the user.
email It gives the app access to the user's primary email address in the form of the email claim.
offline_access This scope value requests that an OAuth 2.0 Refresh Token be issued that can be used to obtain an Access Token to grant access to the end-users' UserInfo Endpoint even when the end-user is not present.

Sign Up By Creating an Account

You can also sign up by creating an account on Connect iPaaS by clicking on the Sign up with email button. While creating an account on Connect iPaaS, you will be asked to provide the following information:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email
  4. Company
  5. Password

Optionally, you can also add your phone number to your profile.

On submitting the sign-up form, you will receive an email with a link to activate your account. After you verify your email by clicking on the verification link, you are ready to access your Connect iPaaS account.


You can log into Connect iPaaS using any of the above-mentioned business account login information or via the registered email and password used for Connect iPaaS. If you forget your password, please click on Forgot your password? link to set a new password.

Login on Connect iPaas

Figure 2. Login on Connect iPaas

Password Recovery

If you forget the password you used to log in to Connect iPass, you can verify yourself using either your email or your verified phone number. After your verification, you can change your password.

Note: If you have used a business account for signing up on Connect iPaaS and you forget your password, you have to use the password recovery method of the respective business account.

Password Verification Using Email

On clicking Forgot your password?, a reset password email will be sent to your mailbox. You can open the verification link you get in your mailbox to set a new password. Verifying yourself using email

Figure 3. Password Verfication using Registered Email Address

Password Verification Using Phone Number

When you enter your phone number and click Send Code, you will get an SMS with a 6 digit verification code on your phone. When you enter the correct code on the Verification Code box, you will be able to set a new password for your Connect iPaaS account. Verifying yourself using phone number

Figure 4. Password Verification Using Phone Number

To be able to verify your account using your phone number, you should have a verified number registered with Connect iPaaS. To verify your phone number, see this.