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Paycom is attributed with being one of the first fully online payroll providers. It is a comprehensive HCM (Human Capital Management) software for all HR and payroll needs. Paycom’s comprehensive cloud-based HCM software offers multiple ways to automate your critical tasks.

Paycom Connection Set Up

Hire2Retire is a pre-packaged integration solution for managing the employee lifecycle. This product takes the input as employee data and syncs the data in Active Directory and Entra ID by applying all the rules and transformation logic configured by the customer while setting up the flow.

There are many ways to get the employee data from Paycom to automate the process, from which Hire2Retire is also supporting API Integration.

Create a Connection

Paycom’s API supports Basic Authentication using an SID and Token. The SID and Token is used as the username and password respectively for authentication.

Only connections from specific allowed IPs are permitted to access the API hence whitelist the RoboMQ's NAT IP in Paycom for configuring the flow. You can contact RoboMQ support for IP address.

Hire2Retire requires the following details to create a connection to Paycom.

  • Connection Name - A user defined nomenclature for your connection. By default, the connection name is "Connection-Basic Auth", you can change the name as per your preferences.
  • Environment - Select the desired Environment.
  • SID - Utilize the SID acquired through the portal.
  • Token - Utilize the Token acquired through the portal.

Connection page

Figure 1. Paycom Connection Set Up Page


Once you have successfully configured the connections, you can continue with the Design section to configure the rest of the workflow following these steps in order.

  1. Paycom Report Definition
  2. HR to AD Profile Map
  3. Lifecycle Business Rules
  4. Employment Status
  5. Organizational Unit Assignment - Only defined in on-premise Active Directory
  6. Group Memberships
  7. Communication Hub


Once your workflow has been setup, you have two optional features you can setup before deploying it.

Otherwise, you can proceed to deploy and test it on the Hire2Retire platform, see Deploy and Test Flow