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Google Workspace Connection

Google Workspace is a cloud-based directory service in which customers can manage user accounts, configure administrator settings for their Google Workspace services, monitor Google Workspace usage in their domain, create groups, and more.

Though many companies use Entra ID and on-premises AD as they are popular, recently, some companies have shifted towards Google Workspace, especially from the educational field. Users should be able to define profile mappings and group mappings for the entire employment lifecycle. The flow should be able to create or update employee profiles, adding or removing memberships.

Google Workspace application on Hire2Retire uses OAuth authorization. By linking your Google Workspace account with Hire2Retire, you can authorize RoboMQ to have a delegated access on your behalf. RoboMQ needs the following permissions on your account to provide a seamless integration experience:

Scopes Explanation Scope for only retrieving organizational units. Scope for only retrieving custom user schemas. Global scope for access to all user and user alias operations. Global scope for access to all group operations, including group aliases and members.
cloud-identity.groups.readonly Cloud Identity Groups that you can access, including group members and their emails.
offline_access Maintain access to data you have given it access to. When a user approves the offline_access scope, Hire2retire can receive refresh tokens from the google identity platform token endpoint. Refresh tokens are long-lived. Hire2retire can get new access tokens as older ones expire.

Google User, Admin roles and privileges.

In Google Workspace, if another administrator or non-administrator needs to manage Google Workspace resources, you assign them a Google Workspace role that provides the permissions they need. Required permission to perform all the employment lifecycle operations in Google Workspace application on Hire2Retire is User Administrator

Role Description
User Administrator Can manage all aspects of users and groups, including resetting passwords for limited admins.

How to Give User Administrator Role

Following are the steps to give User Administrator role:-

  1. Login in Google Workspace portal, and open the user from directory to which you want to assign User Administrator role.

    Google Workspace Portal

    Figure 1. Shows Assigned Role option on Google Workspace portal

  2. Choose assign roles in Admin roles and privileges and assign the roles from the list to the user.

    Google Workspace Portal

    Figure 2. Shows Assign Role lists on Google Workspace portal

  3. Enable the assigned states for the specified user and save it.

    Google Workspace Portal

    Figure 3. Shows Add Assignment option and save on Google Workspace portal

  4. User Assignments role will be assigned when enabling the particular roles. It might take some time, wait for few seconds and refresh the page again.

    Google Workspace Portal

    Figure 4. Shows Assigned Role on Google Workspace portal

Create a Connection

You need to have a Google Workspace account before using Google Workspace application on Hire2Retire.

Google Workspace Connection Name

Figure 5. Google Workspace Connection

You can find the Customer ID in Google Workspace Admin Console: Go to Google Workspace Admin Console > Account Settings > Profile > Customer ID

Google Workspace Customer ID

Figure 6. Google Workspace Admin Console

On clicking the 'Link Account' button, you will be redirected to Google Account Authorization screen. and then enter the account details to use the Google Workspace for this flow

Google Workspace Sign In

Figure 7. Google Workspace Sign In

One also need admin consent. After entering acount details you will be redirected to google admin approval pannel, enter justification for requesting and click on Request approval.

Google Workspace Sign In

Figure 8. Google Workspace access allow

By allowing access, you are authorizing RoboMQ to access your Google Workspace account and make changes based on changes in HR data.