Employement Status (ATS)
ATS data will provide position status and you can map its value to different employee lifecycle. At the run time, the workflow will check the status mapping and decide which lifecycle to perform for the employee record.
Employment Status¶
Select the attributes which represent Hire, Rehire, Change of Profile or Role and Termination of an employee in your ATS system. The attributes need to be defined in the "ATS Data Definition" step.
Figure 1. ATS Attribute field to map the employee lifecycle status for Hire, Rehire and Termination
Map Employee Lifecycle Status¶
Based on the operation you chose in the "Lifecycle Business Rules" step, you will see one or multiple options of status groups:
- Hire, Rehire, or Profile Update
- Terminate
You need to map the value of "Position Status" to those groups. As shown in the image below:
- When position status from ATS data is active, the workflow will perform hire, rehire or profile update operation
- When position status from ATS data is terminated, the workflow will perform termination operation.
Figure 2. Mapping values to different employee status.
ATS data will provide some attributes which can be used to identify lifecycle business status.