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ATS to AD Profile Map

You can define ATS attributes to AD Profile mapping on this step. Simply type text or drag drop ATS attributes and map to each AD attribute.

Data Mapping and Transformation

Data mapping and transformation is at the heart of the workflow design. Data transformation allows you to map and transform data elements from the incoming ATS records to the outgoing active directory system that makes an API call or performs an operation.

As you see in the picture below, there are two sections highlighted by red and green color:

  • The area highlighted in green is the "Trigger data" available for you to drag and drop to your conditionals. These are the ATS attributes you defined in "ATS Data Definition" step.

  • The area highlighted in red has the AD attribute fields to which data needs to be mapped. It also has the data "Mapping and Transformation" capabilities to manipulate trigger data as well as your own input data to generate the final value for the corresponding AD attributes.

  • Hire2Retire being targeted at business users or citizen integrators provides hundreds of "Excel Style Functions" for data mapping and transformations on the toolbar starting with "fx".

Hire2Retire Data Mapping and Transformation

Figure 1. Data Mapping And Transformation With Excel Style Functions

Hire2Retire Data Mapping and Transformation

Figure 2. Data Mapping And Transformation With Excel Style Functions

Choose the extension attribute for the dropdown "Choose the extension attribute to store the Unique ID" to store the hash of the personal email. The hash is used as the identifier to determine the user profile created by the ATS flow. If any applicant applies for multiple roles, the system combines the hashed value with the title attribute as a identifier, which helps in storing multiple applications from a single applicant.

Note - Hire2Retire auto-generates mail, UPN, and SAMAccount using UPN prefix and UPN suffix. Mail nickname is an optional attribute of an employee profile in AD

Manage HCM to AD flow in Hire2Retire

Enable this checkbox "Check if you have configured any HCM to AD" if you have configured any HCM to AD flow in Hire2Retire. This helps Hire2Retire in checking if the user is already created before through ATS flow in the AD using the hash value stored in the extension attribute. If so, then the HCM workflow will update that employee profile created from ATS flow after employee gets onboarded.

Hire2Retire Data Mapping and Transformation

Figure 3. HCM to AD mapping Check box

Mandatory AD Attributes

Below is the list of the required attributes at the time of creating the entry in AD:

# Attribute Name Description
1 First Name The naming attribute for attribute schema objects is the First Name (givenName).
2 Last Name The naming attribute for attribute schema objects is the Last Name (sn).
3 Common Name The naming attribute for attribute schema objects is the Common Name (cn). The common name must be unique in the schema container.
4 Choose UPN prefix formats The UPN prefix attribute is a prefix of User Principal Name (UPN) or email. A UPN (for example:, here "john.doe" is the UPN prefix) is the login name for the user . Also sAMAccountName is the same as the UPN prefix. The sAMAccountName attribute is a login name used to support clients and servers.
5 UPN suffix or domain name The UPN suffix attribute is a suffix of User Principal Name (UPN) or email. ( For example: here "" is the UPN suffix
6 Title The Title attribute is used for mapping the Job title of the Applicant in the AD.

Hire2Retire Data Mapping and Transformation

Figure 4. Data Mapping And Transformation With Excel Style Functions and Multi Domain Controller

In a multi-domain controller setup, the candidates will get their UPN suffix or domain name based on the conditions defined in ATS data definition. When none of condition matches then the candidates will get the default base DN as their UPN suffix or domain name.

Other AD Attributes

# Attribute Name Description
1 co The name of the country as a text string, e.g., United States etc.
2 countryCode The countryCode property value is the numeric country code.
3 department It Contains the name for the department in which the user works.
4 departmentNumber It Identifies a department within an organization.
5 displayName The display name for an object. This is usually the combination of the users' first name, middle initial, and last name.
6 employeeType This refers to the job category for an employee.
7 givenName It contains the given name (first name) of the user.
8 mailNickName mailNickName is an email alias. If you are using Exchange, then you would need to change the mail address policy which would update the mail attribute.
9 physicalDeliveryOfficeName Contains the office location in the user's place of business.
10 proxyAddresses The proxyAddresses attribute in Active Directory is a multi-value property that can contain various known address entries. For example, it can contain SMTP addresses, X500 addresses, SIP addresses, and so on.
11 sn It contains the surname (Last name) of the user
12 telephoneNumber The primary telephone number.
13 mobile The primary mobile phone number.
14 targetAddress When the targetAddress is set, all emails sent to the recipient will unconditionally be forwarded to the mail address set in the attribute without delivering a copy to the user mailbox or sending it to group members.
15 employeeNumber The number assigned to an employee other than the ID
16 streetAddress An address description with street name and house number/description
17 postOfficeBox The post office box number for the user
18 State/province The state or province description for the users address
19 postalCode It contain the zip code or postal code or the users address
20 profilePath The profile path is the location of the user's user profile. The "Home" path may be the same, but it could be set to another location (via the user account properties)
21 scriptPath It specifies the path for the user's login script
22 company The name of the company in which user works
23 Country/Region(c) The name of the country/region in which the user resides
24 City The name of the city in which the user resides
25 dateBirth It represent the date of birth of the user
26 dateHire It contains the date when the user is onboarded
27 dateRehire The date of rehire of the user
28 dateTermination The date when the user is terminated
29 gender The gender of the user
30 initials The first letter of a name or word, typically a person's given name or a word forming part of a phrase
31 description User can describe the whole thing using this field
32 wWWHomePage It will contain the url of the home page of the application
33 Other(url) In this field user can enter the url if any
34 Country Name(c) Name of the country in which user resides
35 city(I) The name of the city in which the user resides
36 homePhone The secondary phone number of the user
37 Fax(facsimileTelephoneNumber) An exact copy of a document made by electronic scanning and transmitted as data by telecommunications links
38 Notes(info) It contains any information or notes that user wants to enter
39 hiredate It contains the date when the user is onboarded
40 userBirthdate It contains the date of birth of the user
41 targetAddress The targetAddress is forward emails from mail migrated on-premises users to their Office 365 mailbox

Other than the attributes mentioned above, we have 15 "extensionAttributes". Each object in the AD has Extension attributes that are ready to be used for whatever purposes admins might come up with, such as storing additional information on user accounts during automated processing.

Clear Attribute(s)

You can clear the values of attribute(s) from the Active Directory by selecting them in the Clear Attributes multi-select. If you provide empty values for selected attributes in the mapped data, those attributes will be cleared. The values of unselected attribute(s) will be preserved as it is.

Hire2Retire Clear Attributes

Figure 5. Selecting attributes to be cleared from AD