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Facebook-Workplace on Hire2Retire uses Bearer Token.

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Generate Access Token in Facebook-Workplace

Learn how to generate Access Token credentials on Facebook-Workplace .

Steps for Generating Access Token :

  1. Log into the Facebook-Workplace ( using your Facebook-Workplace account.
  2. Login into Facebook-workplace as an Administrator.
  3. In the Admin Panel, open the Integrations tab.
  4. Click on the Create custom Integration button.

    Facebook-Workplace Connection page

    Figure 1 Creating custom integration

  5. Choose a relevant name and description for the app. Then click on create botton.

    Facebook-Workplace Connection page

    Figure 1.1 Adding name to custom integration

  6. Choose the required permissions for the app, based on the integration functionality you require. The Manage Accounts permission is required to allow SCIM API access.

    Facebook-Workplace Connection page

    Figure 1.2 Adding permission to custom integration

  7. Click on create access token.
    Facebook-Workplace Connection page

    Figure 1.3 create new access token

  8. copy and safely store the access token that's shown to you. You'll need this when making API calls.

    Facebook-Workplace Connection page

    Figure 1.4 New access token

To link your Facebook-Workplace account using Bearer Token authentication you need to specify following information.

  • Connection Name - A user defined nomenclature for your connection. By default, the connect name is "Connection-Bearer Token-1", you can change the name as per your preferences.

  • Instance URL -The base URL for the SCIM 2.0 API is which is distinct from the URL used for signing in.

  • Access token - The Facebook-Workplace Access Token assigned to the user that you noted in the Access token Provider Setup.

Facebook-Workplace Access Token

Figure 1. Authentication Form for Facebook-Workplace Bearer Token on RoboMQ Hire2Retire

Enter the account details to use the Facebook-Workplace SCIM implementation for this flow.

Once the connection is established successfully, then you can define the roles and mapping on Hire2Retire Provisioning.