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Gorgias on Hire2Retire uses Basic Authentication.

We at RoboMQ pay utmost attention to keeping your account secure. See our Security and Privacy Policies to learn more about how RoboMQ handles your account access.

How to get the API Key in Gorgias

Gorgias application on Hire2Retire uses the Basic Authorization in which your API key works as a password. Please follow the step below to obtain the API Key on Gorgias:

  1. Sign into your Gorgias account with the admin credentials by visiting this Link

  2. On the admin console, click on the down arrow icon the top left corner and select Settings option.

    Gorgias Basic Auth

    Figure 1. Obtaining API Key on Gorgias

  3. Click on the REST API option and copy the Instance URL, Username and API Key to set up the connection with Gorgias on Hire2Retire Access.

    Gorgias Basi Auth

    Figure 2. Obtain the Username and API Key

Gorgias OAuth

Figure 3. Connection setup for Gorgias on RoboMQ Hire2Retire

Please enter the Instance URL, Username and API Key obtained by following the above steps, to establish a connection with Gorgias on Hire2Retire Access.

Once the connection is established successfully, then you can define the roles and mapping on Hire2Retire Access.