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Oneflow API uses an API token-based authentication. You will need to generate an access token in the Oneflow application and provide it as an HTTP header with every request. Sending an API token gives you access to the Oneflow account associated with the token.

Authorization and the second level of authentication are done by sending in the email address of an account user in a request header, which will allow for authentication checks based on user permissions. Submitting the user's email is required for correct authorization for most create or update requests.

We at RoboMQ pay utmost attention to keep your account secure. See our Security and Privacy Policies to learn more about how RoboMQ handles your account access.

Object Permission
User Can Provision and Deprovision Users

Generate Api token in Oneflow

Learn how to authenticate using Api token on Oneflow.

Oneflow Api Key Authentication

To link your Oneflow account using Api token-based Authentication, you first have to specify your Instance URL and Api Key.

Oneflow Api token-based Authentication

Figure 1. Authentication Form for Oneflow Basic Authentication on RoboMQ Hire2Retire