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Keycloak on Hire2Retire supports OAuth Client Credentials

The Client Credentials Flow involves an application exchanging its application credentials, such as client ID and client secret, for an access token.

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Client Credentials in Keycloak

Login to Admin Console and select Clients tab. From here you can create new client or use existing client admin-cli to get Client Id and Client Secret.

Configure the admin-cli client:

  1. Select admin-cli client from clients tab.


    Figure 1. Keycloak Clients

  2. Configure the client:


    Figure 2. Keycloak Client Configuration

    Click on Save button.

  3. Go to Service Account Roles tab and assign admin-role to client.


    Figure 3. Keycloak Service Account Roles

  4. Now, Client Secret can be obtained from Credentials tab of client and Client ID is Client name(admin-cli).


    Figure 4. Keycloak Client ID and Client Secret


Figure 1. Authentication form for Keycloak OAuth Client Credentials on RoboMQ Hire2Retire

To establish a connection to the Keycloak on Hire2Retire Provisioning, you need to provide the following OAuth information:

  • Instance Url - Keycloak Account Instance Url.

  • Client Id - Client Id is the name of client.

  • Client Secret - The client secret is a confidential and unique identifier associated with your application when you register it as a client with the Keycloak platform.

  • Realm - Realm name.

  • Client UUID - Client UUID can be obtained from URL of the client /clients/{client uuid}/

Once the connection is established successfully, then you can define the roles and mapping on Hire2Retire Provisioning.