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Bonusly on Hire2Retire uses Bearer Token.

A Bearer Token is a type of access token commonly used in authentication and authorization protocols, such as OAuth 2.0. It's a security credential that allows a user or application to access protected resources on a server, such as an API. The term "bearer" implies that whoever possesses the token is granted access, without requiring additional proof of identity. This is different from other forms of authentication, like sending a username and password with each request.

Please refer to the document Bearer token for rest APIs to know more about Bearer Token in Bonusly.

We at RoboMQ pay utmost attention to keep your account secure. See our Security and Privacy Policies to learn more about how RoboMQ handles your account access.

Object Permission
User Can Provision and Deprovision Users

Generate Bearer Token in Bonusly

Bearer token in Bonusly are read-only and appear only once on the screen when they are created. Visit your Bonusly account, you can find the SCIM Endpoint as and SCIM Bearer Token.

Bonusly SCIM Endpoint and SCIM Bearer Token

Figure 1. SCIM Endpoint and SCIM Bearer Token for Bonusly

Learn how to Generate Bearer Token on Bonusly.

To link your Bonusly account using Bearer Token, you have to specify your SCIM Endpoint and SCIM Bearer Token.

Bonusly Bearer Token

Figure 2. Authentication Form for Bonusly Bearer Token on RoboMQ Hire2Retire

Once the connection is established successfully, then you can define the roles and mapping on Hire2Retire's Provisioning.