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Board on Hire2Retire supports OAuth Authentication.

We at RoboMQ pay utmost attention to keep your account secure. See our Security and Privacy Policies to learn more about how RoboMQ handles your account access.

Object Permission
User Can Provision and Deprovision Users

Obtain Client Credentials in Board

Login to your Board account using the web address you've been given, typically

  1. Click on "CLIENT API" and fill in all required fields, marked with a *: Client ID, New client secret, and Confirm client secret fields. The Client ID and the client secret are essentially a username and a password that the external client will use to obtain an access token from the Subscription Hub.

  2. Tick the “enable SCIM endpoint” option in the account details form.

  3. Click "SAVE" to create the system user.


Figure 1. Creating Client Credentials


Figure 2. Authentication Form for Board Authorization Token on RoboMQ Hire2Retire

To link your Board account using OAuth, you first have to specify your Client Credentials, Scope, Grant Type. Once the connection is established successfully, then you can define the mapping on Hire2Retire Access.