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Jostle on Hire2Retire supports API Key authentication.

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Object Permission
User Can Provision and Deprovision Users

Generate API Key on Jostle

For API Key generation users must have a Jostle account. To authenticate a connection , you must use your API Key .

Steps for Generating Api Key:

  1. Log into the Jostle account.
  2. Go to Admin Settings > Views and Functions > Manage Views and Options.
  3. Scroll down to API Access and select "Enabled".
  4. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.

Hire2Retire requires the following details to create a connection to your Jostle.

  • Connection Name - A user defined nomenclature for your connection. By default, the connect name is "Connection-Bearer Token-1", you can change the name as per your preferences.

  • API Key - The Jostle API Key assigned to the user that you noted in the API Key Provider Setup.

Please refer to the document API Key for rest APIsfor SCIM api to know more about API Key in Jostle.

Jostle Access Token

Figure 1. Authentication Form for Jostle API Key on RoboMQ Hire2Retire

Enter the account details to use the Jostle SCIM implementation for this flow.

Once the connection is established successfully, then you can define the roles and mapping on Hire2Retire Provisioning.