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The Hire2Retire Phase 4.5 release adds new features and significant enhancements to the product based on market needs and customer feedback.
Hire2Retire now has a “future hire and future termination” feature. Hire2Retire will determine future events by checking the start date and the last day of work, store them in the RoboMQ future event database, and employees will be hired or terminated on the execution day. Users will not need to manage future employee profiles manually.
In addition, Hire2Retire now supports Paylocity as a compatible HR system. Users can now integrate Paylocity and AD (Active Directory) or Azure AD systems to handle lifecycles. SuccessFactors with API approach is also available as a backend service, andthe user interface will be available later.
In addition to the above, there are other minor improvements to existing capabilities and/or bug fixes listed below.

Support Future Hire and Termination

This is a new feature in the Hire2Retire Platform.
The “future hire and future termination” feature is now available on the Hire2Retire Platform. When using this feature, the Hire2Retire workflow will only process employees on the designated start date and/or last day of work. Users can also set up an offset to process employees a few days before the start date or after the last day of work. By calculating the start day and last day of work, the Hire2Retire flow will determine if the incoming employee event is a future event or not. Future events will be stored and processed when the execution date arrives.

Support Paylocity as a new HR system

This this a new feature in the Hire2Retire Platform.
The Hire2Retire platform now supports Paylocity as a compatible HR system. At runtime, Paylocity will send file extracts to the RoboMQ-hosted SFTP server, and the Hire2Retire flow will process employee profiles based on the pre-defined rules set on the Hire2Retire platform.

Support SuccessFactors with API connection type (Backend)

This is a new feature in the Hire2Retire Platform.
Hire2Retire now supports an API connection approach for SuccessFactors. With an API connection you will be able to define the polling interval and employee attributes needed for Active Directory profile mapping. Both full extract and delta extract options are available.

Support default password length to 18 characters

This is a feature enhancement in the Hire2Retire Platform.
Hire2Retire now supports an employee onboarding initial password with a maximum length of 18 characters. You can choose the password length that best fits your business use case. There is no impact on users’ existing flow functions.

Support collapsed view for group mappings on overview page.

This is a feature enhancement in the Hire2Retire Platform.
Hire2Retire now has a collapsed view for group mappings on the overview page. Instead of a long list of group mappings, the initial view will only display a small number of mapping rules. Users can then choose to either see more or see less groups. This feature will automatically apply to all flows.

Update Hire2Retire Brand icon

The Hire2Retire brand icon will now start using RoboMQ brand icon.

Fixed Bugs and minor improvements

  1. Improved a flow loading performance issue on the manage page.
  2. Added instructions for using custom email templates.
  3. Resolved the issue “mapping modules are editable.”
  4. Fixed the bold font styling in group mapping summary on overview page.
  5. Fixed the text from “Block User” to “Disable User” in flow summary on overview page.
  6. Fixed the first name, last name validation issue in the Hire2Retire “Sign up with Email” form.
  7. When a user clones a flow with undeployed changes, the user will be provided with options to clone the deployed version or clone the version with undeployed changes.
  8. Adjusted the space between checkbox and textbox in the design page.
  9. Fixed the issues that msExchangeLists attribute will only be checked when the attribute is enabled in AD schema.
  10. Added a restriction to prevent special characters in connection names.
  11. Fixed the issue of updating username on the profile page.
  12. Fixed an invalid warning dialog when the user changed an email template name.
  13. Increased the readTimeout when requesting data from Azure AD to improve slow response issue from server side.
  14. Fixed the display issue in filter when changing from text attribute to Boolean attribute.
  15. Improved error message for “BambooHR image size is more than 100kb” error.
  16. When HR employee data structure is changed, instead of cleaning the entire filter settings, only affected attributes will be cleaned in filter.