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Workday HRM Connection

Workday® HRM application on Connect iPaaS uses the Basic Authentication method. By linking your Workday® account with Connect iPaaS, the process will perform an operation on your Workday® instance with the user account you have provided.

Create a Connection

You need to fill the following information to link your Workday® HRM account with Connect iPaaS. You can find the values by signing in to your organization’s Workday® Account.

"Workday HRM Connection Page"

Figure 1. Workday® HRM Connection Page
  1. User Name
    Integration security username.
  2. Password
    Integration security user password.
  3. Tenant ID
    Company name in the URL. E.g.,<company name>/Human_Resources/v33.0?wsdl.
    Any Workday® WSDL URL for example Click here to check how to get the WSDL URL.