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WhatsApp Actions

Actions are the operations (or API operations) that you can perform on the WhatsApp platform. To set up these actions, you can simply drag and drop data elements from a trigger event to the ecosystem action. In addition to the mapping of trigger event attributes and their values from the input trigger, you can also transform this data by using formulas or use a desired constant that you may wish to map.

To illustrate this, we will use an example where you can send a message back to your customers informing them that their help request has been received. While this is a simple example, you can build much more complex flows on Connect iPaaS.

Set up WhatsApp action in your workflow

When setting up a WhatsApp action, you will need to select the type of action you want to configure your flow with. As of now, there is only one type of action Send WhatsApp Message is available on Connect iPaaS. As the WhatsApp API matures, more options will be available to you in the future. After you select the Send Whatsapp Message, you will then be asked to make a connection with Twilio WhatsApp, the steps on how to complete this can be found on the connection guide page. The steps for selecting the action type can be found below.

Action for Whatsapp Application on Connect iPaaS

Figure 1. Action for WhatsApp Application on Connect iPaaS

After selecting the Send WhatsApp Message action type, you can now configure the WhatsApp Action to send the right message to the right person. The following sections will give you an idea of what each setting does and how it impacts the message that is posted to WhatsApp.

From WhatsApp Number:

The WhatsApp From Number is the number that you want your message to be sent from. Note: If you are using Twilio's WhatsApp Sandbox, please refer to the connection guide to retrieve your Twilio WhatsApp sandbox number.

To WhatsApp Number:

The WhatsApp To Number is the number that the message is sent to.

Message Template:

Message Templates are common reusable messages that can be sent outside of the 24-Hour WhatsApp message delivery time-window. To use the WhatsApp Connector to the fullest extent, it is suggested to use these templates. To create these templates, you can read the official documentation on how to create them on Facebook. The image below is a template from the Twilio WhatsApp sandbox.

Pre-approved for Whatsapp Application

Figure 1. Pre-approved Templates on Twilio

No. of Placeholders

Every Message Template has a number of parameters that need to be filled out. This is where you put the number of parameters your message template has.

Placeholder and Value

Every message template has placeholders and values so in the Message Template every Placeholder will be replaced with what you put in the Value text box. Just like all other text inputs, this field is made powerful by excel style functions and sophisticated by Data Mapping and Transformation capabilities on Connect iPaaS. For example in Figure. 2 below, the "Subject" is populated from the input trigger values.

Action Form for Whatsapp Application on Connect iPaaS

Figure 2. Action Form for WhatsApp Application on Connect iPaaS