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Twilio Event Filter

Connect iPaaS enables you to select specific events and filter out the rest using certain attributes of the incoming Twilio event. This ability allows selective processing of the events of interest.

You can filter the data which will pass the filtration criteria. In the example shown below, if you select the trigger New SMS Received and add filter criteria that if the new SMS is received on the incoming number equals to "+12055397613" then the event is passed or if the new SMS is received is having the body containing "Hello" then the respective action(s) will be carried out.

Event Filters for Twilio

Figure 1. Event Filtering for Twilio on Connect iPaaS

When using Twilio as the trigger application, the following attributes will be available to you in all your actions:

  • From Country - Country code of the Phone number from which the SMS will be received
  • From City - City from which the SMS will be received
  • From - Phone number from which the SMS will be received
  • From Zip - ZipCode from which the SMS will be received
  • To - Phone number on which the SMS will be received
  • Body - Content of the SMS received
  • To Country - Country code of the Phone number on which the SMS will be received
  • From State - State from which the SMS will be received

See Event Filters to learn more about event filtering on Connect iPaaS.