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Slack Triggers

Currently, Connect iPaaS provides one trigger for Slack. The Slack trigger on Connect iPaaS is a real time trigger. Slack will notify Connect iPaaS as soon as a new message gets posted to the channel.

Note: Nothing needs to be done to configure the Slack webhook. When you install the Slack Application, this will be taken care of by Slack.

  1. New Message Posted to Channel

Trigger for Slack Application on Connect iPaaS

Figure 1. Trigger for Slack Application on Connect iPaaS

New Message Posted to Channel

This trigger is listening for when a new message is posted to a channel in Slack. You can additionally filter messages based on a combination of metadata about the message, like the time the message was sent, or by message content.

Set up a Trigger for your Workflow

After selecting the trigger type as shown in Figure 1, you will also need to select the channel name that this flow will be listening to. You can do this by selecting a channel from the dropdown list of available channels.

Setting up a Slack Trigger on Connect iPaaS

Figure 2. Setting up a Slack Trigger on Connect iPaaS

As shown in the figure above, you can select the Slack channel which you want to listen for new messages on. Once you receive any message on the selected Slack channel, you can either have a ServiceNow incident ticket created, or an SMS notification sent, or any other action that is available on Connect iPaaS to be performed.