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Slack Event Filter

Connect iPaaS enables you to select specific trigger events and filter out the rest using certain attributes of the Slack trigger event. This ability allows selective processing of the events of interest.

Event Filters for Slack

Figure 1. Event Filtering for Slack on Connect iPaaS

To better illustrate event filters, here is a scenario where you are using a Slack channel for your employees to send service help requests when they are experiencing a service outage. As shown in Figure 1, when a request is posted to this help Slack channel, the event filter will filter out only messages that contain the text Alert - Critical and that were sent after August, 3rd 2020.

The event filters allow you to choose the attributes of the incoming trigger event to define the selection criteria of events to process. When you use Slack as a trigger application, you can filter based on the following attributes.

  • Team ID - The unique identifier for the workspace/team
    On Slack, every team has a name and unique ID for their workspace.
  • User - The name of the user who posted on the channel
  • Event Text - The message that was sent to the channel
  • Channel - Channel ID Example: C061F7AUR
    In Slack, all communication happens in channels. You can learn more about Slack channels here.
  • Event Time - The timestamp the message was posted to the channel in Epoch time

See Event Filters to learn more about event filtering on Connect iPaaS.