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Slack Data Mapping

Data Mapping and Transformation is one of the most powerful features of Connect iPaaS. When you create a workflow, certain attributes of your trigger application are available to the Action application for data mapping while making API calls.

These attributes can be mapped to the specific attributes of the Action application. This powerful capability not only allows field mapping but it also allows complex transformation using excel style functions to apply hundreds of formulas and operations. The choice of excel style function makes data mapping on Connect iPaaS easy for business users who are already well versed with Microsoft Excel formulas.

Example Scenario with Slack Trigger

Data Mapping on Slack application

Figure 1. Data Mapping on Slack Application

To better illustrate event filters, here is a scenario where you are using a Slack channel for your employees to send service help requests when they are experiencing a service outage. When a request is posted to this channel, a ServiceNow (Privileged) Action is then performed to create an incident. Data Mapping on Slack application can help you control how a ServiceNow incident will be created. In the figure above, you can see the mapping of parameters from the Slack "New Message Posted to Channel" trigger to create an incident in ServiceNow (Privileged) for someone in operations team to respond to. You can create the description of the ServiceNow incident based on the Slack message body and have the ticket be set to high urgency.

When using the Slack Trigger with any action, you will have access to the following attributes of any Slack event:

  • Team ID - The unique identifier for the workspace/team
    On Slack, every team has a name and unique ID for their workspace.
  • User - User Name
  • Event Text - A message that was sent to a channel
  • Channel - Channel ID Example: U061F7AUR
    In Slack, all communication happens in channels. You can learn more about Slack channels here.
  • Event Time - The timestamp in seconds