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ServiceNow Triggers

Connect iPaaS provides four triggers for ServiceNow. All ServiceNow triggers use a Webhook, enabling users to monitor near real-time events.

  1. New Incident Created
  2. Incident Updated
  3. New Record Created
  4. Record Updated

ServiceNow Trigger

Figure 1. Triggers for ServiceNow Application on RoboMQ Connect iPaaS

User instructions to set up ServiceNow app “RoboMQ Connect iPaaS” for Triggers

By installing the app, the pre-packaged table “RoboMQ Trigger” and the pre-packaged scheduled job “RoboMQ Trigger Scheduler” will be available in your ServiceNow instance.

The table “RoboMQ Trigger” is used to record the trigger event you defined in the no-code integration platform Connect iPaaS. This table will be updated whenever you deploy a workflow with ServiceNow trigger in the no-code integration platform Connect iPaaS, so no manual update is needed.

The record in this table stores detailed information about the event notification you want to receive from ServiceNow. The detailed information includes the target table name, and the activity related to the record in the table (such as newly created or modified).

The scheduled job “RoboMQ Trigger Scheduler” will look up the table “RoboMQ Trigger” to make the corresponding query for newly created or modified records in the target table. Once it find the matching records, it will send the event notification to the no-code integration platform Connect iPaaS to trigger the workflow.

The default execution time interval to query the new trigger events is every 5 minutes.

Setup instruction

In order to use the ServiceNow as a trigger application in your workflow in the Connect iPaaS, please follow the following steps:

  • Ask your ServiceNow admin to create a service account in your ServiceNow instance. Remember the username and password of the service account.

  • This account will be used in the packaged scheduled job to query and send the trigger events of interest to Connect iPaaS.

  • Type “sys_properties.list” in the navigation filter.

ServiceNow System properties

Figure 3. System properties in ServiceNow Application on RoboMQ Connect iPaaS
  • Find the following two system properties
    • x_srbtd_robomq_con.robomq_username
    • x_srbtd_robomq_con.robomq_password
  • Assign the username as recorded in the first step to property “x_srbtd_robomq_con.robomq_username”.
  • Assign the password as recorded in the first step to property “x_srbtd_robomq_con.robomq_password”.
  • Assign the following roles to this service account created in previous step
    • itil
    • x_srbtd_robomq_con.robomq_trigger_user
  • If you need to setup a trigger for any other table, please make sure the corresponding “user role” of the target table is assigned to this service account.
    • Find out the “User role” value of the table as the screenshot below shows. It is under the “Controls” section in table definition.
    • Then add this specific role to the service account.

ServiceNow user role

Assigned roles to the service user

Once these two system properties are setup and configured, the prepackaged scheduled job “RoboMQ Trigger Scheduler” will execute with the privileges of the above defined service account and send the event triggers of interest to Connect iPaaS to start the end user designed workflow(s).

New Incident Created

The flow will get triggered when a new incident is created in the ServiceNow incident table. Optionally, you can define filters if you want to monitor the created incident of a specific group of incidents.

ServiceNow Trigger

Figure 4. ServiceNow trigger New Incident Created on RoboMQ Connect iPaaS

Incident Updated

The flow will get triggered when an incident is updated in the ServiceNow incident table. Optionally, you can define filters if you want to monitor the change of a specific group of incidents.

ServiceNow Trigger

Figure 5. ServiceNow trigger Incident Updated on RoboMQ Connect iPaaS

New Record Created

When a new record is generated in a ServiceNow table, the flow will get triggered. You have to select the table you want to monitor the records from. Optionally, you can define filters if you want to monitor the create records of a specific group of records.

ServiceNow Trigger

Figure 6. ServiceNow trigger New record Created on RoboMQ Connect iPaaS

Record Updated

When a record is updated in the selected ServiceNow table, the flow will get triggered. You have to select the table you want to monitor the records from. Optionally, you can define filters if you want to monitor the change of a specific group of records.

ServiceNow Trigger

Figure 6. ServiceNow trigger Record Updated on RoboMQ Connect iPaaS