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ServiceNow Connection

ServiceNow on Connect iPaaS uses Basic Authentication and OAuth 2.0. By linking your ServiceNow account with Connect iPaaS, you can authorize RoboMQ to have a delegated access on your behalf. RoboMQ needs the following permissions on your account to provide a seamless integration experience.

Object Permission
User account To interact with all records
itil Connect iPaaS by default support “incident” table, therefore we need to this role to access the incident table.
import_transformer Connect iPaaS needs to make call to the import set REST API to insert/update, this is the role for import set REST API call.
personalize_choices In order to help our user to make better decision designing a workflow, Connect iPaaS will populate the existing column value for “Choice” data type when user configure a table in the workflow.
personalize_dictionary In order to help our user to setup the data mapping or event filter for a table, Connect iPaaS will query the available columns of a table and let user choose from a dropdown list.
x_srbtd_robomq_con.robomq_staging_table_list_user This is the role to access the prepackaged table “RoboMQ Staging Table List”.
x_srbtd_robomq_con.robomq_trigger_user This is the role to access the prepackaged table “RoboMQ Trigger”.

Please refer to the document "An Integration with OAuth 2.0" to know more about Oauth 2.0 and the scopes in ServiceNow.

Using the Basic Authentication connection mechanism, you authorize Connect iPaaS to have the same level of access as the user principal of the account that generated the Username and Password. These permissions may be more permissive than what could be achieved by using OAuth. For security considerations, we recommend using OAuth wherever available.

We at RoboMQ pay utmost attention to keep your account secure. See our Security and Privacy Policies to learn more about how RoboMQ handles your account access.

Create a Basic Authentication Connection

To link your ServiceNow account using Basic Authentication, you first have to specify your ServiceNow Instance URL.

ServiceNow Basic Authentication

Figure 1. Authentication Form for ServiceNow Basic Authentication on RoboMQ Connect iPaaS

What is an Instance URL?

When you visit the website, you can find the ServiceNow URL as This URL is your domain name.

Servicenow Instance URL

Figure 2. Instance URL for ServiceNow

Create an OAuth Connection

To link your ServiceNow account using OAuth, you have to specify your ServiceNow Instance URL, Client ID, Client Secret. For getting the Client ID and Client Secret, you have to set up an OAuth application on the ServiceNow platform. OAuth allows you to grant access to Connect iPaaS by obtaining a token.

Only Istanbul (or later) versions of ServiceNow supports OAuth connection. Make sure that your ServiceNow version supports this when selecting OAuth as authentication type on Connect iPaaS.


Figure 3. Authentication Form for ServiceNow OAuth Authentication on RoboMQ Connect iPaaS

Setting up Connection using OAuth 2.0 On ServiceNow

Before you begin, make sure you have OAuth set up on your ServiceNow instance.

The admin role is required to set up the OAuth on ServiceNow.

There are three steps to set up the OAuth:

  1. Activate OAuth
  2. Set OAuth Activation Property as true
  3. Create an OAuth application registry

The three steps are explained as follows. You can also read the complete guide for more details.

Activate OAuth

  1. Navigate to System Definition > Plugins.
  2. Find and click the plugin OAuth 2.0
  3. Click the Activate/Upgrade under Related Links

Activate Auth

Figure 4. Setting up OAuth on ServiceNow Application

Activate Auth Success

Figure 5. Setting up OAuth on ServiceNow Application

Set OAuth Activation Property

  1. Type sys_properties.list in the Filter Navigator and then click New
  2. Fill the form
    • Name:
    • Type: true | false
    • Value: true

OAuth Activation

Figure 6. Setting up OAuth Activation Property on ServiceNow Application

Create an OAuth Application Registry

  1. Navigate to System OAuth > Application Registry and then click New.
  2. Select 'Create an OAuth API' endpoint for external clients and then fill in the form.
  3. Click submit.

OAuth Application

Figure 7. Creating OAuth on ServiceNow Application

Next, create an endpoint for a client application to gain access to your ServiceNow instance. During this setup step, you will need to use the following URLs:

Fields Description
Redirect URL
Logo URL

Servicenow Application

Figure 8. Setting up OAuth on ServiceNow Application

When the client application is successfully set up, use the Client ID and Client Secret while creating a ServiceNow connection in Connect iPaaS.

When you click on the Link Account button, you will be redirected to the ServiceNow Authentication screen and then to the application page where you can check permissions and allow RoboMQ to access your account.


Figure 9. Setting OAuth on Connect iPaaS Application