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ServiceNow Actions

Actions are the operations (or API operations) that you can perform on ServiceNow by a simple drag & drop with data mapping of elements and values from your input trigger, derived values using formulas or a desired constant that you may wish to map.

All of the actions that you see below automate what you can do manually on ServiceNow.

As shown below, you can create and update incidents or records in your ServiceNow account in response to a trigger event.

ServiceNow Action

Figure 1. Actions for ServiceNow Application on Connect iPaaS

User instructions to set up ServiceNow app “RoboMQ Connect iPaaS” for Actions

By installing this app, the pre-packaged table “RoboMQ Staging Table List” and the pre-packaged web service “RoboMQ Incident” will be available in your ServiceNow instance. The table “RoboMQ Staging Table List” is used to store the list of the web services (or the staging tables) that your ServiceNow admin allows the Connect iPaaS to operate. You will only see the tables or entities that are allowed by your ServiceNow admin in the Connect iPaaS action. This means that you can only add or update records in these tables or entities.

Note: If you need access to additional ServiceNow tables or entities in Connect iPaaS, please contact your ServiceNow admin to add new staging tables to the “RoboMQ Staging Table List”.

We pre-packaged the web service with the name “RoboMQ Incident”, for the Incident table in your ServiceNow instance. Therefore you don't need to add it to the “RoboMQ Staging Table List” as a web service again. The action node(s) on the Incident table will always be available.

Setup instructions

The below instructions will walk you, the ServiceNow admin, through how-to setup a web service that will be used by Connect iPaaS to create or update a record in a ServiceNow target table.

  • Search for “System Web Service” in the ServiceNow navigation bar, and under “Inbound” click on “Create New”.

  • Now, define the following items in the right side of the window after clicking “Create New” button.

Create web service

Figure 2. Creating a new Web service.
  • Name: This is the actual table name in ServiceNow. The value will be updated automatically once you provide the Label name in the first step.
  • Copy fields from target table: This option will allow you to copy the fields from the selected target table. For example, you can copy the fields from the target table “Asset” to your webservice.
  • Create Transform Map: Transform Map will map and transform the incoming data to the target table fields.
  • Target Table: The table that new or updated record will be persisted to.

  • After step 2 is completed, click the “Create” button.

  • Once the step 3 is completed, a new page with name “Table Transform Map” will pop up. In this page, you can setup the mapping between the web service (or the staging table) and the target table.

Creating Transform Map

Figure 3. Creating a Transform Map
  • Click the “Auto Map Matching Fields” and it will automatically create the default transform map. You can review the auto mapping here.


Figure 4. Auto Mapping matching fields
  • You can then click “Update” button, shown above, to exit this setup.

  • Now search the name of the Web Service you just created in the navigation bar. And find it under “System Web Service” section. Click the web service.

In the right-hand side of the window, you will see a table called “Web Service Fields”.

Editing Web Service

Figure 5. Web Service form
  • Scroll down to the bottom of this table, as shown below and double click “insert a new row”. Type “SysID”. Click “Update” button to save the changes.

Adding New Field

Figure 5. Adding a new field
  • After successfully adding a new field, navigate back to the Web Service you just created, and scroll down to the bottom, you will see a section called “Web Service Transform Maps”. Click the name of the transform map. In the right-hand side of the window, you will see a table called “Web Service Fields”.

Web Service Transform Map

Figure 6. Web Service Transform Map
  • ServiceNow will navigate you to the “Table Transform Map” page. Scroll down to the “Field Map”, and then click the “New” button.

Adding New Field Map

Figure 7. New Field Map
  • You will be navigated to the page to setup the field map. Follow the instruction below to complete this step:

Setting up coalesce field

Figure 8. Setting up Coalesce field
  • In the “Source field” dropdown list, choose “SysID” which you created in step 6.
  • In the “Target field” dropdown list, choose “Sys ID”.
  • In the “Coalesce” checkbox, check it. This will link the source and target field.

  • Click the “Submit” button.

  • With the previous step, the setup of a web service is completed. Now we are going to add this record into the “RoboMQ Staging Table List” table and so that Connect iPaaS picks it up and show it to you as an available action entity or table. Search “RoboMQ Staging Table List” in the navigation bar and click the “New” button.

RoboMQ Staging Table List

Figure 9. RoboMQ Staging Table List
  • In the new page, fill in the value by following the instruction below. Once you complete the form, click “Submit”.

New staging table

Figure 10. Adding new entry to the RoboMQ Staging Table List table
  • Number: This is an auto-increment number that represents the record in the table.
  • Staging Table Display Name: This is the display name of the web service (staging table) that you will see in the Connect iPaaS.
  • Staging Table Name: This is the actual table name in ServiceNow.
  • Target Table Name: This is the target name this web service (staging table) maps to.

After completing the steps above, the Connect iPaaS will use above defined Web Service to create or update record in the target table with the use of the defined field mapping.

  • The user account which is used to set up workflows must have the following permissions

    • itil
    • import_transformer
    • personalize_choice
    • personalize_dictionary
    • x_srbtd_robomq_con.robomq_staging_table_list_user
    • x_srbtd_robomq_con.robomq_trigger_user

    For detailed information about the roles mentioned above please click here.

  • If you need to setup an action for a table, please make sure the corresponding “user role” of the target table is assigned to this user account who will be setting up workflows on Connect iPaaS.

    • Find out the “User role” value of the table as the screenshot below shows. It is under the “Controls” section in table definition.

    • Then add this specific role to the service account.

    ServiceNow user role

    Assigned roles to the service user

Create a New Incident

This action node is to create a new incident in ServiceNow incident table(s). You can define incident parameters by giving a default value or by mapping the data from trigger events.

ServiceNow Action

Figure 11. Create a New Incident ServiceNow Action on Connect iPaaS

Update Incident(s)

This action node is to update the incident(s) in ServiceNow. You can define the incident parameters by giving a default value or by mapping the data from trigger events. Incident record(s) that match the specified criteria will be updated in the incident table.

ServiceNow Action

Figure 12. Update Incidents ServiceNow Action on Connect iPaaS

Create a New Record

This action node is to create a new record in the selected table of ServiceNow. You can define the parameters by giving default value or by mapping the data from trigger events.

ServiceNow Action

Figure 13. Create a New Record ServiceNow Action on Connect iPaaS

Update Record(s)

This action node is to update the record(s) in the selected table of ServiceNow. You can update the record by giving default value or by mapping the data from trigger events. Record(s) that match the specified criteria will be updated in the selected table.

ServiceNow Action

Figure 14. Update Record(s) ServiceNow Action on Connect iPaaS