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SAP C4 Connection

SAP C4 application on Connect iPaaS uses Basic authentication. By linking your SAP C4 account with Connect iPaaS, the process of the SAP trigger/action can be performed by the user you provided.

In the entity list in SAP C4 trigger and SAP C4 action, Connect iPaaS can only show the SAP object/entity which is available to the users based on their license plan.

Connect iPaaS uses the metadata API from SAP to show all the SAP objects available to the user.

For example, if Connect iPaaS detects from the metadata that entity "Contact" is "creatable" but not "updatable", then you will see entity "Contact" only in SAP trigger "Object Created", but you won't see this entity in SAP trigger "Object updated".

Create a Connection

To link your SAP C4 account, specify your SAP C4iInstance URL and provide the user name and the corresponding password.

Connection for SAP C4

Figure 1. Connection for SAP C4

What is my SAP C4 Instance URL

Once you purchase the license from your point of contact of SAP partnership for SAP C4, you will receive an email, which includes the setup guide for your SAP C4 instance. The setup guide will contain the login URL for you to log in.

The image below is the example of the SAP C4 instance URL.

Instance URL of your SAP C4 instance

Figure 2. Instance URL of your SAP C4 instance