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RabbitMQ Connection

RabbitMQ application on Connect iPaaS uses Messaging Broker authentication. When you link your RabbitMQ account with Connect iPaaS, you authorize RoboMQ to read messages from your queues and exchanges and write data to exchanges. RoboMQ needs the following permissions on your account to provide a seamless integration experience:

For Trigger

Object Permission
Exchange Bind
Queue Declare, Bind
Basic Consume

For Action

Object Permission
Exchange Bind
Basic Publish

Please refer to RabbitMQ access control to learn more about RabbitMQ access used by Connect iPaaS.

We at RoboMQ pay utmost attention to keep your account secure. See our Security and Privacy Policy to learn more about how RoboMQ handles your account access.

Create a Connection

Connect iPaaS only connects to RabbitMQ over TLS. It does not allow insecure connections. To link your RabbitMQ account, you have to provide the following information:

Host Name

Host Name of your RabbitMQ instance.


The Port on which you want to connect to RabbitMQ. The default ssl port is 5671.


The vhost that you want to make a connection under.

User Name

The name of the RabbitMQ user in the vhost.


Password of the associated user.

RabbitMQ connection on Connect iPaaS

Figure 1. RabbitMQ connection on Connect iPaaS