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QuickBooks Triggers

Connect iPaaS provides 4 triggers for QuickBooks. These triggers work on the polling mechanism. After every polling interval , Connect iPaaS looks for changes in desired entities in your Quickbooks account.

Triggers for QuickBooks on RoboMQ Connect

Figure 1. Triggers for QuickBooks Application on RoboMQ Connect

Setting up trigger for your workflow

After selecting one of the triggers for your Quickbooks workflow, you have to select the Polling interval for your trigger which runs the trigger periodically after the duration of Polling interval.

Now, you can select the entity type that you want to watch the changes for. Connect iPaaS supports the following entities for Trigger on QuickBooks:

  • Account
  • Bill
  • Company Info
  • Customer
  • Employee
  • Estimate
  • Invoice
  • Payment
  • Tax Agency
  • Vendor

Learn here about all the entities on Quickbooks along with their attributes.

See the list of QuickBooks entities supported by Connect iPaaS.

Following are the triggers for QuickBooks application on Connect iPaaS

Get entity by user defined parameters

After every polling interval, Connect iPaaS gets all new or modified entities based on the filter parameters. This trigger requires at least one user defined selection criteria.

In Figure 2 configuration below, Connect iPaaS will check every 30 minutes whether any Customer has been added or modified on QuickBooks which satisfies the following criteria:

  • Company name of the Customer equals RoboMQ, AND
  • id of the customer is less than 20.

If the conditions are fulfilled, the actions in your workflow will be executed.

Get entity by user defined parameters Trigger for QuickBooks on Connect iPaaS

Figure 2. Get entity by user defined parameters Trigger for QuickBooks on Connect iPaaS

Get modified entity

After every polling interval, Connect iPaaS gets all modified entities that match the filter parameters.

In Figure 3 below, Connect iPaaS will check every 30 minutes whether any Customer has been modified on QuickBooks.

You can further add event filters to filter out certain Customers on the basis of Quickbooks attributes.

Get Modified Entity Trigger for QuickBooks on Connect iPaaS

Figure 3. Get Modified Entity Trigger for QuickBooks on Connect iPaaS

Get new and modified entity

After every polling interval, Connect iPaaS gets all the new and modified entities that match the filter parameters.

In Figure 4 below, Connect iPaaS will check every 30 minutes whether any Item has been created or modified on QuickBooks.

You can further add event filters to filter our certain Items on the basis of the Quickbooks attributes.

Get New and Modified Entity Trigger for QuickBooks on Connect iPaaS

Figure 4. Get New and Modified Entity Trigger for QuickBooks on Connect iPaaS

Get new entity

After every polling interval, Connect iPaaS gets all created entities that match the filter parameters.

In Figure 5 below, Connect iPaaS will check every 30 minutes whether any Bill has been created on QuickBooks.

You can further add event filters to filter out certain Bills.

Get New Entity Trigger for QuickBooks on Connect iPaaS

Figure 5. Get New Entity Trigger for QuickBooks on Connect iPaaS