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PagerDuty Connection

PagerDuty application on Connect iPaaS uses API user token. By linking your PagerDuty account with Connect iPaaS, you can authorize RoboMQ to have a delegated access on your behalf.

Please refer Authentication flow for PagerDuty to learn more about PagerDuty API token used by Connect iPaaS.

We at RoboMQ pay utmost attention to keep your account secure. See our Security and Privacy Policies to learn more about how RoboMQ handles your account access.

Create a Connection

To link your PagerDuty account, you have to enter the API key.

Create PagerDuty Connection

Figure 1: Create PagerDuty Connection

Steps to get a new user token

Here are the steps to get a new user token on your PagerDuty application.

  1. Log in with your PagerDuty account.
  2. Click on your account icon and then go to My Profile. PagerDuty - My Profile

    Figure 2. PagerDuty - My Profile

  3. In your user profile page, click User Settings. PagerDuty - User settings

    Figure 3. PagerDuty - User settings

  4. In the User Settings page, generate a new user token by clicking on the button Create API User Token. PagerDuty - Create API User Token

    Figure 4. PagerDuty - Create API User Token

  5. In the pop-up window, type the description of the user API token. Then click Create Token. PagerDuty - Create Token

    Figure 5. PagerDuty - Create Token

  6. A new window will pop-up, indicating the token has been created successfully. The value in the red square bracket is the actual token. Save it in your file or computer system for future reference as it will not be available again.  PagerDuty - New API User Token

    Figure 6. PagerDuty - New API User Token