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PagerDuty Actions

Actions are the operations (or API operations) that you can perform on PagerDuty by a simple drag and drop and data mapping of elements and values from input trigger, derived values using formulas or a desired constant that you may wish to map.

All of the actions that you see below automate what you can do manually on PagerDuty.

As shown below, you can Create or Update Incident and User in your PagerDuty account in response to a trigger event.

Action for PagerDuty Application on RoboMQ Connect

Figure 1. Action for PagerDuty Application on RoboMQ Connect

Set up PagerDuty action in your workflow

Create Incident

After selecting the action as "Create Incident" as above, you can continue to configure or set up your action parameter that will define the incident in the PagerDuty application.

Setting up PagerDuty Action

Figure 2. Setting up PagerDuty Create Incident action on Connect iPaaS

Impacted Services

The services name that the incident is created against.

Assign To

  • User - This is the user to be assigned to the new incident. If User is chosen, then a drop-down list of all users will be provided.
  • Escalation Policy - If Escalation Policy is chosen, then a drop-down list of all escalation policies will be provided.


The name of the incident.


The description of the incident.


Can be High or Low.

Update Incident

After selecting the action as "Update Incident", you can continue configuring incidents to be updated. For this, you have the option to set And or Or condition to the incident fields/attributes.

Setting up PagerDuty Action

Figure 3. Setting up PagerDuty Update Incident action on Connect iPaaS

Create User

Setting up PagerDuty Action

Figure 4. Setting up PagerDuty Create User action on Connect iPaaS


Name of the user to be created.


Email address of the user to be created.

Base Role

Defines the access rule of the user in the PagerDuty account. Can be a Global Admin, Manager, Responder, Team Responder, Observer, Stakeholder, Restricted Access.

Job title

Describes the job title of the user created.

Update User

After selecting the action as "Update User", you can continue configuring users to be updated. For this, you have the option to set And or Or condition to the user fields/attributes.

Setting up PagerDuty Action

Figure 5. Setting up PagerDuty Update User action on Connect iPaaS