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OracleDB Data Mapping

Data Mapping and Transformation is one of the powerful features of Connect iPaaS. When you create a workflow, certain data points of your Trigger application are available in the Action application for data mapping.

These Data Mapping can be mapped to the specific attributes of the Action application. This powerful capability not only allows field mapping but also the complex transformation using excel style functions with hundreds of formulas and operations.

Example Scenario with ServiceNow Trigger

In figure 1 below, whenever a new incident is created on ServiceNow (Privileged), a new record is created in MySQL database. The database has a table named INCIDENT which stores the Opened by and Short Description of the incident in respective columns. Here, the columns are mapped to attributes from ServiceNow.

In the TIME_OF_INCIDENT column, the current date and time can be added using the excel function Now().

Oracle database Data mapping and transformation

Figure 1. Oracle database Data Mapping & Transformation