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NetSuite Use Cases

NetSuite is an ERP platform where businesses can automate most back-of-house processes, this can include processing orders, managing finances, and tracking customer satisfaction. While NetSuite can do a-lot on its own, integration is not something it can do out of the box, this is where Connect iPaaS can step in. In the following use-cases we will illustrate how NetSuite can be used in a Connect iPaaS. While these are some easy use-case please feel free to expand on these or make up your own.

Customer order processing with ServiceNow and thank you email

Processing orders online and at high volumes is a huge part of running a business in today's world. With such a large number orders its hard to manage each order for each customer and to send them a thank you email. Connect can give you and your team to ability to integrate NetSuite with ServiceNow and Gmail/Outlook to make this process easy and automated.

Finance processing with Quickbooks and notification

Managing all of your financial needs one platform can be hard if not impossible. Some businesses have their accounting needs met with specialized platforms. However managing and keeping them in sync can be tough. Connect iPaaS can help with this by making sure that when a Job is created in NetSuite the Job price is reflected in QuickBooks and an email notification is sent to the customer noting that the payment has been processed.

Customer happiness with Salesforce

Customer happiness is always on the minds companies, and tracking the journey of the customer is just one way ensuring that every need of the customer is met. If a company uses Salesforce to manage customers then Connect can be used to make sure that customers that are created in NetSuite get transferred and updated in Salesforce.