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Microsoft Teams Actions

Actions are the operations (or API operations) that you can perform on Microsoft Teams.

You can simply drag & drop attributes from input trigger, derive values using formulas or constants that you may wish to map with Microsoft Teams.

All of the actions that you see below automate the flows you execute manually on Microsoft Teams.

Connect iPaaS provides two actions for Microsoft Team:

The actions for Microsoft Teams on Connect iPaaS

Figure 1. The actions for Microsoft Teams on Connect iPaaS

Create Channel

This action creates a new Channel within the Team that you have selected based on the incoming event from the trigger application.


Select the team within which you want to create the channel.

Channel Name

Enter a Channel Name. See this to find what channel names are valid in Microsoft Teams.

Channel Description

Enter a description for the channel that you want to create.

You can either type the value of Channel Name and Channel Description or can construct them using excel style functions and sophisticated Data Mapping and Transformation capabilities on Connect iPaaS. You can create a text block which is populated with values from your trigger application.

In Figure 2. below, The Channel description is constructed using the Incident State attribute from Servicenow (Privileged) Trigger application.

Create new Channel within team on MS Teams

Figure 2. Create Channel Action for Microsoft Teams

Send Message To The Channel

This action sends a new message to the desired channel based on the incoming event from the trigger application.


Select the team within which you want to create the channel.


You can either select a channel name from the list of existing channels. You can also use the evaluate functionality to construct the Channel Name based on attributes from trigger application.


The message content that will be sent on the above mentioned channel. The content can either be typed or can be constructed using excel style functions and sophisticated Data Mapping and Transformation capabilities on Connect iPaaS.

In Figure 3, Consider the case where you have different channels for different category of incidents in ServiceNow (Privileged). The message will be sent to the channel name which is same as the Category. The message sent will contain the Urgency and Due Date of the incident.

Send Message to the Channel action in Microsoft Teams

Figure 3. Send Message to the Channel action in Microsoft Teams