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Magento2x Triggers

Currently, Connect iPaaS provides two polling triggers for Magento 2.x.

  1. Object Created
  2. Object Updated

Triggers for Magento 2.x Application on RoboMQ Connect

Figure 1. Triggers for Magento 2.x Application on RoboMQ Connect

Object Created

You can define a polling interval and the flow will get triggered when an object (eg. Customer or Product) is created in your Magento 2.x account.

Object Updated

You can define a polling interval and the flow will get triggered when an object (eg. Customer or Product) is updated in your Magento 2.x account.

Set up Trigger for your Workflow

After selecting one of the triggers as above, you will have to select the Polling Interval (set a default 30 minutes and is minimum 2 minutes) and the entity which you want to monitor.

Setting up Magento 2.x Trigger on Connect iPaaS

Figure 2. Setting up Magento 2.x Trigger on Connect iPaaS

In Figure 2, you can specify from a list of entities on which to apply event trigger. The selection row shows a list with options to choose from including 4 common standard entities followed by an option to select "Others" entities which include all other standard entities. The 4 common standard entities are

  • Customers
  • Products
  • Categories
  • Invoices

List of Trigger Entities supported by Connect iPaas.