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MQTT Event Filter

Connect iPaaS enables you to select specific events by filtering them out using certain attributes of the incoming MQTT event. This ability allows selective processing of the events of interest.

You can filter the data based on a criteria.

In the example shown below for Unstructured data, if you select the trigger New Event from IoT Device and add a filter criteria that if IoT data contains "Rings", then the event is passed and respective action(s) will be carried out, else not.

Event Filters for MQTT

Figure 1. Event Filtering for Unstructured Data in MQTT on Connect iPaaS

Another example for Structured data is that if you select the trigger New Event from IoT Device and add a filter criteria that if Switch equal to "True", then the event is passed and respective action(s) will be carried out, else not.

Event Filters for MQTT

Figure 2. Event Filtering for Structured Data in MQTT on Connect iPaaS

See Event Filters to learn more about event filtering on Connect iPaaS.