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MFT Data Mapping

Data Mapping and Transformation is one of the powerful features of Connect iPaaS. When you create a workflow, certain data points of your Trigger application are available in the Action application for data mapping.

These Data Mapping can be mapped to the specific attributes of the Action application. This powerful capability not only allows field mapping but also the complex transformation using excel style functions with hundreds of formulas and operations.

Example Scenario with MFT Trigger

For trigger "Extract Records From New Or Updated CSV Files"

In this example, we will set up a workflow to load all the incident records from a CSV file to ServiceNow.

In Figure 1, all of the CSV column headers along with its data type are defined in the MFT trigger, these column headers will be available in any downstream action ecosystems.

Inserting CSV Column Header Fields in MFT Trigger

Figure 1. Inserting column headers in MFT trigger "Extract Records From New Or Updated CSV Files"

In Figure 2 , the ServiceNow ecosystem will create incident based on four fields Category, Number, Short Description and Urgency. And, all four fields are mapped using the corresponding attribute from the MFT trigger event of the CSV file.

Map the trigger data to action

Figure 2. Map the trigger data from MFT trigger to ServiceNow action

For trigger "Get New Or Updated Files"

In this example workflow, whenever a new file is uploaded in your SFTP server, an email will send out with this new file as the attachment.

In Figure 3, we define the target directory and also let the MFT trigger only pick up "CSV" file named Statement.

Define the MFT Trigger Get New Or Updated Files

Figure 3. Define the MFT Trigger Get New Or Updated Files

In Figure 4, we select an Outlook action and after setting up the recipient and subjects, we drag and drop the file object Source File from the trigger data area to the field Attachments.

This will let Connect iPaaS put the file content as the attachment in Outlook email and send out.

Map the file data to email attachment

Figure 4. Map the file data from MFT trigger to Outlook attachment