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Jira Software Data Mapping

Data Mapping and Transformation is one of the powerful features of Connect iPaaS. When you create a workflow, certain data points of your Trigger application are available in the Action application for data mapping.

These Data Mapping can be mapped to the specific attributes of the Action application. This powerful capability not only allows field mapping but also the complex transformation using excel style functions with hundreds of formulas and operations.

Example Scenario with Jira Software Trigger

In the example workflow, shown below, Jira Software is the trigger application. You can access the following attributes of the Jira Software event in any of the action applications while designing your workflow. In Jira Software, attributes will depend on the entity you will choose.

Click here to see the complete list of entities and their attributes. For Example, the Issue entity has the following attributes:

  • Issue Type - Type of the issue.
  • Project Name - Project Name in which issue will be created.
  • Project Key - Key of the project in which issue will be created.
  • Created At - Created time of issue.
  • Priority - Priority of the issue.
  • Summary - Summary of the issue.
  • Description - Description of the issue.
  • Issue Key - Key of the issue
  • Reporter - Reporter of the issue.
  • Assignee - Assignee of the issue.

Data mapping and transformation on Jira Software

Figure 1. Data mapping and transformations on Jira Software

As shown in Figure 1 above, we are mapping parameters from Jira Software "Entity Created" trigger to the Microsoft Teams Action of sending a message to a channel. We can send messages in the channel based on data attributes of the Jira Software trigger. In this example, we are constructing the Message of the channel using Issue Type, Project Name, Created At, and Priority.