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Jira Core Triggers

Connect iPaaS provides three triggers for Jira Core. These triggers on Connect iPaaS are real time triggers. As soon as the entity gets created, updated, or deleted in the Jira Core account, Connect iPaaS will be notified of it and it will perform an action according to your workflow.

Following are the triggers for Jira Core on Connect iPaaS

  1. Entity Created
  2. Entity Deleted
  3. Entity Updated

Triggers for Jira Core on RoboMQ Connect

Figure 1. Triggers for Jira Core on RoboMQ Connect

Setting up the trigger for your workflow

After selecting one of the triggers for your Jira Core workflow, you have to select the entity for which you want to watch the changes. Connect iPaaS supports the following entities for Trigger on Jira Core:

  • Issue: An issue is simply a unit of work within Jira that will be traced through a workflow, from creation to completion.
  • Project: A project is a collection of issues that are held in common by purpose or context.
  • User: A user is anyone who can log into JIRA to view, create, or update issues.
  • Issue Comment: User written comments attached to an issue.
  • Worklog: A log of comments that denote work done to an issue. 

Learn here about all the entities on Jira Core along with their attributes.

Entity Created

A workflow will be triggered when a new entity is created in your Jira Core account. As shown in Figure 2, Connect iPaaS will be notified if the Issue created in the Jira Core account satisfies the following criteria:

  • Type of the Issue equals Task.

Entity Created Trigger for Jira Core on Connect iPaaS

Figure 2. Entity Created Trigger for Jira Core on Connect iPaaS

Entity Deleted

A workflow will be triggered when an entity is deleted from your Jira Core account.

As shown in Figure 3, Connect iPaaS will be notified if the Project deleted from the Jira Core account satisfies the following criteria:

  • Project Name of the Project equals Connect-test.

Entity Deleted Trigger for Jira Core on Connect iPaaS

Figure 3. Entity Deleted Trigger for Jira Core on Connect iPaaS

Entity Updated

A workflow will be triggered when an entity is updated in your Jira Core account.

In Figure 4 below, Connect iPaaS will be notified if any User is updated in Jira Core which satisfies the following criteria:

  • User Name of the user equals test projects.

Entity Updated Trigger for Jira Core on Connect iPaaS

Figure 4. Entity Updated Trigger for Jira Core on Connect iPaaS