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Jira Core Connection

Jira Core on Connect iPaaS uses Basic Authentication.

Please refer to the document Basic auth for rest APIs to know more about Basic Authentication in Jira Core.

We at RoboMQ pay utmost attention to keep your account secure. See our Security and Privacy Policies to learn more about how RoboMQ handles your account access.

For Trigger

Permission Description
ADMINISTER Users with this permission can perform most administration tasks, except managing users, importing and exporting data, and editing system email settings

To watch for the events in trigger, user should have ADMINISTER permission.

For Action

The account you use for establishing the connection needs the basic permissions to access the entities in action except for the two actions that are Add User to Group and Remove User from Group. These two actions need the admin permission.

The permissions which user need can vary on basis of entity she wants to access.

Permission Description
ASSIGNABLE_USER Ability to be assigned to issues
ADD_COMMENTS Ability to add comments to an issue
ADMINISTER_PROJECTS Ability to administer projects
ASSIGN_ISSUES Ability to assign issues to users
CREATE_ISSUES Ability to create issues
CREATE_PROJECT Ability to create project
EDIT_ISSUES Ability to edit issues
DELETE_ISSUES Ability to delete issues

Learn here about all permissions which user can have to access entities.

Step 1. Specify your Jira Site URL

Jira Core Basic Authentication

Figure 1. Creating Connection for Jira Core on Connect iPaaS

What is the Site URL?

When you open your Jira Core account on the browser, you can find the Jira Site URL as

Step 2 Enter your Jira Core Username which is generally your email Id.

Step 3 Enter your Jira Core Auth Token

How to get Auth Token?

  1. Login to your Jira Core Console.

  2. Click Create API token.

    Jira Core API token generation

    Figure 2. API Token generation for Jira Core

  3. From the dialog that appears, enter Label which can be any name you want to give for your token, and click Create.

  4. Click Copy, then paste the token on Connect iPaas.

    Jira Core API token

    Figure 3. API Token for Jira Core