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HubSpot Connection

HubSpot on Connect iPaaS uses APIKey authorization and OAuth authorization. By linking your HubSpot account with Connect iPaaS using OAuth authorization, you can authorize RoboMQ to have a delegated access on your behalf. RoboMQ needs the following permissions on your account to provide a seamless integration experience:

Object Permission
Tickets Read and write tickets Permission
Contacts Read and write contacts permission
User and Account Information Access to read information about user and account

Please refer to "An Integration with OAuth 2.0" to know more about OAuth 2.0 and the scopes in HubSpot.

Using the API Key connection mechanism, you can authorize Connect iPaaS to have the same level of access as the principal user of the account that generated the API key. These permissions may be more permissive than what could be achieved using OAuth. For security considerations, we recommend using OAuth wherever available.

We at RoboMQ pay utmost attention to keep your account secure. See our Security and Privacy Policy to learn more about how RoboMQ handles your account access.

Create an APIKey Connection

For the API key connection, you need to provide an API key to set up the connection.

How to get API Key in HubSpot?

  1. Use your HubSpot account email address and password to sign in to the HubSpot Console.

  2. In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon in the main navigation bar.

  3. In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Integrations > API key.

  4. If a key has never been generated for your account, click the Create Key button.

    HubSpot API Generation Window

    Figure 1. HubSpot API key Generation

  5. If you've already generated an API key, click Show to display your key.

  6. With the key displayed, click Copy to copy the key.

How to create a HubSpot connection on Connect iPaaS using API Key?

Now that you have your API key, you can now use it to connect your HubSpot account in Connect iPaaS. Choose connection type APIKey and paste the API Key value you copied earlier.

HubSpot APIKey Connection

Figure 2. APIKey Connection for HubSpot on RoboMQ Connect

Create an OAuth 2.0 Connection

HubSpot uses OAuth 2.0 Authentication to enable users to authorize their content. For the Oauth connection, you need to provide your HubSpot account email address and password to set up. This authentication type allows you to grant access to Connect iPaaS by obtaining a token.

  1. Enter the name for your connection, the default name is Connection-OAuth.
  2. Click on the link account button.

    HubSpot OAuth2.0 Connection

    Figure 3. OAuth 2.0 Connection for HubSpot on RoboMQ Connect

  3. Enter your HubSpot credentials i.e. your Email address and Password.

    HubSpot Credentials

    Figure 4. HubSpot credentials

  4. Select any service account from the list of accounts that you want to link with Connect.

    HubSpot Account

    Figure 5. Choose Account

  5. You will be redirected to the application page where you can check permissions and allow RoboMQ to access your account.

By allowing access, you are authorizing RoboMQ to access your HubSpot account.

HubSpot Account

Figure 6. Authorizing RoboMQ